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词汇 call at
例句 I'll call at her office on the chance of seeing her before she leaves.我要到她办公室去拜访,希望能在她离开前见到她。People would call at odd hours during the night.人们会在夜间不寻常的时刻打来电话。There were four phone calls at once and the secretary was in a muddle about who wanted to talk to who.一下子来了四个电话,秘书都搞不清谁找谁了。"He called at the last minute to say he wasn't coming." "Typical!"“他在最后时刻打电话说不来了。”“他老是这样!”When does the milkman make his call at your house?送牛奶的人什么时候来你家送奶? She called at a most inconvenient time.她在一个很不方便的时间打来电话。Sorry, Doctor Pugh is out on a call at the moment.对不起,皮尤医生现在出诊去了。You've called at a rather difficult moment.你的电话打得真不是时候。We urge her to call at her earliest convenience.我们要求她尽快打电话。They called at Mr Brown's office last Thursday.上星期四他们曾到布朗先生的办公室去拜访他。Her lawyers stated that they intended to call at least five witnesses.她的辩护律师说他们打算至少传召五个证人。He had called at the newsagent's prior to going into town.他进城前在报刊亭打了个电话。This train calls at all stations to Broxbourne.这列火车开往布罗克斯本,沿途各站都停。Tom called at her apartment on the pretext of asking for a book.汤姆借口要一本书去了她的公寓。The ship will make calls at several ports.该船将在数个港口停靠。This train calls at the chief stations only.这班列车只停靠大站。I'll now call at the vicarage and report to you in due course.我现在要去教区牧师家拜访,然后适时向你汇报情况。She called at the worst possible moment.她在最不合适的时刻打了电话。We're planning to call at a friend's house on the way home.我们打算在回家的路上去几位朋友家拜访。Staff will be able to trace calls at the touch of a button.工作人员一摁按钮便可以追踪电话。Just make sure you call at the agreed time.电话一定要在约定的时间打。The steamer calls at several ports along the way.一路上,汽船在好几个港口停靠。The ship called at the port.船只临时在这个港口停靠。A market researcher called at the house where he was living.一位市场调查人员造访了他的住处。This train calls at every station.这次列车每站都停。He called at a most undesirable moment.他在最不适宜的时刻来访。She always called at the vicarage whenever she was in the area.只要她在那一带,她总会去拜访教区牧师。If you must make personal phone calls at work, please keep them short.如果你工作时非得打私人电话不可,就请简短些。The ship called at Gibraltar to coal.这艘轮船停靠于直布罗陀港加煤。They rounded off their tour of France by a last call at Paris.他们最后访问了巴黎,以此结束他们的法国之游。The boat calls at the main port to load its regular cargo of bananas.船在主要港口停靠以装载其常规货物香蕉。We're not allowed to make personal phone calls at work.我们不可以在工作时间打私人电话。In the Senate, the count is too close to call at this point.参议院现在的票数还难分上下。The ship made a call at Newport before proceeding to New Orleans.这条船在驶往新奥尔良之前,临时停靠在新港。I hate getting phone calls at dinnertime.我讨厌在用餐时间接电话。This ship doesn't call at Hongkong.这只船在香港不停靠。Two men claiming to be police officers called at the pastor's house and took him away.两个自称是警察的人来到牧师家里,把他带走了。Does this ship call at Shanghai?这艘船在上海停靠吗? The ship called at Boston to coal.船停靠在波士顿上煤。Staff can trace calls at the touch of a button.工作人员按一个按钮就可以追踪来电。




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