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词汇 immature
例句 She's just being childish and immature.她只是有点孩子气,不成熟。The fruit was still immature. 水果还没有成熟。We were outclassed and physically immature.我们远远比不上别人,身体也还没发育完全。The boy was sexually immature.这男孩在性方面尚未成熟。The flock included both adult and immature birds.鸟群中既有成年鸟也有雏鸟。We were silly, immature teenagers, and we didn't know any better.我们那个时候还是愚蠢幼稚的孩子,不知道天高地厚。Sometimes fruit trees will shed immature fruit simply because they are so heavily laden they can't carry them all.有时果树会掉下未成熟的果子,这只是因为挂果太多,不堪其负。The birds were in immature plumage.这些鸟儿羽翅未全。Tony seemed very shallow and immature.托尼看起来好像很肤浅,不够成熟。He forgave his son's immature behaviour.他原谅了儿子的幼稚行为。While the animals are still immature, they do not breed.动物发育未全时不会生育。Stop being so silly and immature, Chris!克里斯,不要这么愚蠢幼稚!He was a young lad, very green, very immature.他还是个毛头小子,幼稚得很,一点都不成熟。Our product line is still immature.我们的产品线还不完善。It was immature of her to do that.她竟做那种事,真太幼稚了。His speech is immature, his vocabulary limited.他说话很幼稚,使用的词汇有限。She's rather immature for her age, don't you think?她都这么大了,你不觉得她显得相当幼稚吗?I don't know why you like him – he's so immature.我不知道你为什么喜欢他,他这么幼稚。His immature behaviour was beginning to annoy me.他的幼稚行为开始令我恼火了。These kids are brilliant, but often socially immature.这些孩子很聪明,可人际交往方面还不够成熟。She is emotionally immature.她情感上不成熟。He implied that we were emotionally immature.他暗示我们情感上还不成熟。In some respects she had an old head on young shoulders but in other ways she was immature.在一些方面她少年老成,而在其他方面她却不够成熟。The immature parents have so many infantile traits themselves.这一对未成熟的年轻父母本身就有不少孩子气。Because of the immunity of the immature insects, it's important to spray regularly.由于幼虫对药物有免疫力,因此必须经常喷药。His teachers have complained about his immature behavior.他的老师们已抱怨他的幼稚行为。Carol's lapses into strong language only made her sound immature.卡罗尔讲起了粗话,这只会让人觉得她还不成熟。I like a man who can be silly without being immature.我喜欢嬉笑滑稽但不幼稚的男人。He felt a kind of immature pride in the fact that he had stolen more than his friends.他比他的朋友偷得都多,从中他感到了一种幼稚的骄傲。The stem cells found in bone marrow are immature cells.骨髓中的干细胞是未成熟的细胞。




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