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词汇 III
例句 The treaty gave Edward III sovereignty over Calais and the whole of Aquitaine.这一条约授予爱德华三世对加来和整个阿基坦大区的主权。Henry VII claimed the English throne after defeating Richard III.亨利七世打败理查德三世后即声称继任英国王位。Edward III tried to assert his independence of the regime at court.爱德华三世努力在宫廷维护自己的王权独立。King George III of England was purged, leeched, and flogged assiduously during his recurring bouts of insanity.英国国王乔治三世每次精神病发时,都要一遍遍催泻、用水蛭放血并且用棍棒抽打。Over the last few years, there have been some alarmist predictions that the World War III will happen very soon.在最近几年,有些危言耸听的预测说第三次世界大战就要发生。Shakespeare's Henry VI, Parts I, II, and III莎士比亚《亨利六世》的第一、第二和第三部The American Revolution took place during the long reign of George III.美国独立战争发生在英王乔治三世漫长的统治期间。When King Richard III died, Henry VII claimed the English throne.理查德三世去世后,亨利七世继承了英格兰王位。James III was crowned at Kelso Abbey.詹姆斯三世在凯尔索教堂加冕。In Europe, Aga Khan III presented himself in a completely different light.在欧洲,阿迦汗三世表现得完全是另一副样子。The series III gearbox is a direct replacement for a series II.第三代变速箱可以直接取代第二代。Napoleon III authorized Haussmann to rebuild Paris.拿破仑三世授权奥斯曼重建巴黎。The boys wore black tail coats in mourning for George III.男孩身穿黑色燕尾服为乔治三世服丧。The American Revolution took place during the reign of George III.美国独立战争发生在英王乔治三世统治时期。The Royal Shakespeare Company scored a runaway success with `Richard III'.皇家莎士比亚剧团演出的《理查三世》大获成功。The boys wore black tail coats in mourning for George III.男孩们身着黑色燕尾服为乔治三世服丧。Some people believe that Richard III was not the villain he is generally thought to have been.有些人认为理查德三世不是通常人们认为的恶棍。The scene at the end of Act III is very moving, when Rafaella finds out that her husband has betrayed her.第三幕结束时的场景很感人,此时瑞法拉发现丈夫已背叛了她。It is ludicrous that papers relating to the illness of George III should remain locked up.有关乔治三世病情的文件居然秘而不发实在是荒唐可笑。The American War of Independence can be seen, as George III consoled himself by looking at it, as good riddance to bad rubbish.美国独立战争,正如乔治三世当年那种自我安慰的看法所示,是丢了个大包袱。Love is the principal subject of the invocation to Venus that prefaces book III.第三部开头向维纳斯所作的灵感祈求中,爱情是主题。The protestors toppled a statue of King George III.抗议者推倒了国王乔治三世的一尊塑像。




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