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词汇 idle
例句 Illness enforced him to remain idle.疾病迫使他终日闲着。He jotted down the conceits of his idle hours.他记下了闲暇时想到的一些看法。The tutor flayed the idle students.导师严厉地斥责了不用功的学生。Employees have been idle almost a month because of shortages.由于原料短缺,员工们已将近一个月无事可做。If you have an idle moment, call me.如果你有空闲时间,给我打电话。It was more of an idle threat than anything.这更多是吓唬人的。He turned toward shore and slowed to a speed just above idle.他驾船向海岸驶去,把速度差不多减至空转挡。A healthy child cannot be idle; he has to be doing something all day.一个健康的儿童不能无所事事;他必须整天做点什么。They didn't want to live idle lives.他们不想过闲散的生活。Hundreds of workers sat idle on the factory floor waiting for the assembly line to start again.数百名工人闲坐在厂里等着装配线重新启动。The new machines may sit idle for months until they have been paid for.新机器在有人购买之前可能要闲置数月。They say he's already married, but it's just idle chat.他们说他已经结婚了,不过那只是无稽之谈。He never stayed idle for long.他闲散的时间从来不长。When he says he's the richest man in town, he's not just making an idle/empty boast.他说自己是城中首富的时候,可不是在瞎吹。The land was left idle for years.那片地荒了好几年了。They had long, idle conversations.他们漫无目的地长谈。The extra power stations are idle when demand is lower.需求下降时,多余的电厂便闲置下来。Most of the factory stood idle during the strike.罢工期间,多数工厂都停工了。Some old machines in the workshop sit idle.车间里有几台旧机器闲置不用。The earth-moving trucks and cement mixers lay idle.运土卡车和混凝土搅拌机闲置着。Painting is a favorite hobby of the idle rich.画画是有钱的闲人最喜欢的爱好。Factories were standing idle, and wages were being cut right and left.各厂生产停滞,到处都在减薪。The processing plant lay idle for two years.加工厂闲置了两年。He is not the kind of man to idle away his time.他不是那种游手好闲的人。The book is just a lot of idle speculation about the future.这本书只是一大堆对未来漫无边际的猜测。The idle boys traipsed the streets.游手好闲的男孩们在马路上游荡。I just inquired out of idle curiosity.我只是出于无聊的好奇心才打听的。There is too much idle chatter in this office.这个办公室无聊的饶舌太多了。The factory continues to lie idle.这座工厂继续闲置着。The machinery could not be converted, and so stood idle.机器不能改装,因此闲置着。We were idle that day; but the next day we were very busy.那天我们闲着没事干,可第二天却忙得不可开交。The machines have been sitting idle since last year.那些机器去年以来一直闲置。I let the machine idle while I packed the tools away.我收拾工具时让机器空转着。Spring makes everyone feel idle.春天使每个人都觉得懒洋洋的。Don't idle or lurk in a chatroom.请不要在聊天室潜水。His statement isn't merely an idle boast.他的话不仅仅是虚张声势的吹嘘。Now the machine is lying idle.如今机器闲置着。Many men were made idle as the mills closed down.很多人因为工厂倒闭而无事可做。The team will be idle tomorrow.这支球队明天轮空无赛事。You're just bone idle, the lot of you.你们就是懒骨头,你们这些家伙。




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