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词汇 humanity
例句 The country's former leader was tried for crimes against humanity.那个国家的前领导人因危害人类罪而受到审判。It helps engender a sense of common humanity.这有助于营造一种博爱的感觉。There is a sense of common humanity that unites people of all nations.是对共同人性的认知让各国人民团结起来。Each circle symbolically represents the whole of humanity.每一个圈都象征着全人类。Endangering their lives will be regarded as a crime against humanity.危害他们的生命将被视为犯下了反人类罪。He was lacking in basic humanity.他缺乏起码的人道精神。He believes that liberty inheres in humanity as a natural right.他认为自由是人类固有的一项自然权利。Guilt and a sense of common humanity make people less harsh.内疚感和人类的博爱使得人们少了几分严酷。We must never forget our common humanity.我们必须永不忘记共同的人性。We appealed to his sense of humanity.我们激发他的人道意识。We admire her dedication to the cause of humanity.我们敬佩她对人类事业的献身精神。She was cut off from the rest of humanity.她被隔绝于世。Maybe we can find some hope for humanity after all.或许我们最终能够为人类找到某种希望。They have extended the potential life span of humanity everywhere.世界各地人类的预期寿命均有所延长。He has almost lost his humanity in his bitter hatred of his rivals.对敌人的深仇大恨让他几乎丧失人性。Evidence that the world's population is increasing faster than ever implies a gloomy prospect for humanity: starvation.证据显示世界人口正以前所未有的速度在不断地增长,这意味着人类将要面临一个令人沮丧的现实,那就是饥饿。For him, the place is fairly boiling with humanity.对他来说,这个地方充满了人情味。Throughout history, humanity has had to learn to live with all manner of risks.在整个历史中,人类不得不学会适应各种各样的危险。He possesses a deep sense of humanity.他怀有深深的仁爱之心。They treated the prisoners with humanity.他们人道地对待俘虏。Would the use of H-bombs be an outrage against humanity?使用氢弹是否违背人道? How can you turn aside from suffering humanity?你怎能对受苦受难的人们不闻不问呢?Her speech showed great maturity and humanity.她的演讲很有思想高度,并且洋溢着博爱精神。He treated the prisoners with humanity.他人道地对待俘虏。In the name of humanity I ask the government to reappraise this important issue.我以人道的名义要求政府重新评估这一重大问题。She believes that humanity is in need of redemption.她认为人类需要救赎。The war was a crime against humanity.战争是危害人类的罪行。Weapons of this type are a threat to the survival of humanity.这类武器对人类生存构成了威胁。A certain humanity is wanting in big cities.大城市里少了一些人情味。They have extended the potential lifespan of humanity everywhere.它们已经延长了各地人们的潜在寿命。The massacre was a crime against humanity.这次大屠杀犯下了反人类的罪行。It is for his humanity as much as his music that his numerous friends and pupils will remember him. He leaves a wife, son and daughter.他的仁爱精神,以及他的音乐,都将长留在无数友人和学生的记忆里。他身后遗下妻子和一对儿女。It is a mark of our humanity that we can feel empathy with others.能够对他人感同身受,是我们人性的标志。It brings humanity back to its originating source.它把人类带回起源的源头。The Red Cross is an organization of impartiality, neutrality, and humanity.红十字会是一个公正、中立和人道的组织。Roughly speaking, a scientific humanist is somebody who believes in science and in humanity but not in God.简单来讲,科学人道主义者是相信科学和人道主义而不相信上帝的人。We are working for the good of humanity.我们在为人类的福祉而工作。She viewed her failures as a badge of humanity.她认为自己的种种失败是人之常情。It is an outrage against the very values of humanity.这是对人类根本价值观的一种蔑视。They face charges of committing crimes against humanity.他们被控犯有反人类罪。




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