例句 |
The flesh of his cheeks seemed to have yellowed.他的面色似乎有些发黄。The old diary was yellowed and tattered.这本旧日记本已发黄了,而且破旧不堪。He walked across to the window and tugged at a peeling tag of blotched and yellowed wallpaper.他走到对面窗边,拉扯着一小片剥落开来、污渍斑斑的黄色墙纸。The flesh of his cheeks seemed to have yellowed.他似乎有些面色发黄。The leaves were yellowed by disease.叶子因患病而变黄。Michael's teeth had yellowed over time.迈克尔的牙齿已经逐渐变黄了。He had a smoker's cough and nicotine-yellowed fingers.他因吸烟患上了咳嗽,手指也被尼古丁熏黄了。 |