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词汇 yellow
例句 The walls on each side were draped in heavy, yellow satin.每一面墙上都挂着沉甸甸的打着褶的黄缎。The colour yellow is my antipathy. It makes me look bilious.我讨厌黄色。它让我看上去像是得了胆病。Orange is a mixture of yellow and red.橘黄色是黄和红的混合色。The Chinese belong to the yellow race.中国人属于黄种人。The previous owner painted the outside of the house yellow.前一个业主把房子的外面漆成了黄色。You cannot park on double yellow lines.你不可以在双黄线上停车。The rice is cooked with saffron to colour it yellow.大米和藏红花一起煮,使米饭变成黄色。The red shoes couldn't tone in with the yellow skirt.红鞋子与黄裙子不相配。These yellow socks have been much in request lately.这些黄色短袜近来极为流行。We're going to paint the room yellow.我们将把房间刷成黄色的。Red, blue and yellow are colours.红、蓝和黄是彩色。I undid the bottom two buttons of my yellow and grey shirt.我解开了自己黄灰相间的衬衫上最下面的两个纽扣。The fruit is yellow, with a blush of pink.这种水果是黄色的,微微泛红。The chicks were just balls of yellow fluff.那些小鸡还只是一个个黄色的绒毛球。The yellow coat makes her easier to pick out in a crowd.黄色的大衣使她在人群中变得非常显眼。A large bouquet of tulips made a brilliant splash of yellow on the table.桌上有一大束郁金香,形成一片明亮的黄色。It's an offence to park on double yellow lines.在双黄线内停车属违章行为。The road was divided by a solid yellow line.这条公路被一条实黄线分隔开来。The petals can be cooked with rice to colour it yellow.可以把这些花瓣跟米饭一起煮,使米饭变成黄色。Throngs of people bobbed on the waves, many girthed in big inflatable yellow rings.一群人随着海浪上下漂浮,许多人套着大个的黄色充气救生圈。He was too yellow to stand up for his rights.他太怯懦,不敢维护自己的权利。Crowds of French and British families plodded around in yellow plastic macs.成群结队的法国和英国家庭穿着黄色塑料雨衣步履沉重地走来走去。The route was marked with yellow paint at intervals along the way.这条路每隔一定距离都被用黄色油漆标记了路线。The bullies picked on him because he was yellow.因为他怯懦,所以混混找他麻烦。I'm sure that yellow lead matched up to that yellow socket.我敢肯定那根黄线接那个黄色插口。The lamp shed a harsh yellow light.这盏灯发出刺眼的黄光。Children scampered off the yellow school bus and into the playground.孩子们欢快地跑下黄色的校车,冲进运动场。The living room was tinged yellow by light filtered through the curtains.起居室被透过窗帘照进来的阳光染上了一丝金黄色。It was early autumn and the leaves were turning yellow.正值初秋时节,树叶开始转黄。My eyes drank in the sight of her long, browned arms and her flowing yellow hair.我的眼睛痴迷于她那古铜色长臂和飘逸的黄头发。Among the trees below, he could make out a yellow pick-up truck.他在下面的树丛里隐约看到一辆黄色的小货车。Staff will be issued with new grey-and-yellow designer uniforms.将会向雇员发放灰黄相间的名牌新制服。The moon's reflection glazed the sea with yellow.月亮的倒影给大海抹上了一层黄色。The band was playing far off in their blue and yellow uniforms.乐队身穿蓝黄相间的队服正在远处演奏。Male birds have distinctive blue and yellow markings.雄鸟有着独特的蓝、黄色斑点。The child colored the sky blue and the sun yellow.这孩子把天空涂成了蓝色,把太阳涂成了黄色。You should wear more yellow - it suits you.你应该多穿些黄色的衣服——很适合你。You're a yellow-bellied traitor!你是个胆小的叛徒!The plant produces yellow flowers on long, arching stems.这种植物会在长长的弓形枝条上开出黄花。He ladled the yellow, spicy rice on to her plate.他把黄色的香辣米饭盛到她的盘子里。




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