例句 |
Deer are humanely dispatched with a shotgun.鹿被人道地用猎枪杀掉了。Cattle should be killed cleanly and humanely.牛应该被干净利落地无痛屠宰。The animals are all humanely slaughtered.这些动物都是人道屠宰的。The fox must be killed humanely before the hounds can get to it.这条狐狸必须在猎狗接近它之前被以人道的方式杀掉。The prisoners are being treated humanely.犯人们受到了人道的对待。Our horse had to be humanely destroyed after breaking his right foreleg.我们的马摔断了右前腿,只好对它实行安乐死。The animals are killed quickly and humanely.那些动物被迅速人道地宰杀。 |