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词汇 burglars
例句 The burglars removed tiles to climb into the roof space.入室盗窃者揭开屋瓦爬进了阁楼。The burglars took nearly everything in the house that was of any value.窃贼把屋里任何值钱不值钱的东西都几乎全偷走了。The burglars stole the television and video, but nothing of great value.窃贼偷走了电视机和录像机,但没偷什么贵重东西。I'm sure the burglars waited until my insurance claim was through and came back to clean me out again.我敢肯定,窃贼们一定是等着我领到了保险赔偿金,然后回来再次把我洗劫一空。The burglars took our TV and stereo, but they didn't find the jewellery.小偷拿走了我们的电视机和音响,但是他们没有发现珠宝。The burglars tore the house up. 窃贼把房子翻了个底朝天。The burglars broke in through the kitchen window.盗贼从厨房窗户闯入。The dogs will soon see off any burglars.这些狗会立即把任何盗贼赶出去。The burglars made away with all their silverware.贼偷走了他们所有的银器。The burglars wore rubber gloves to guard against fingerprints.盗贼戴著橡皮手套以防留下指纹印。The burglars had forced open the window with an iron bar.窃贼用铁棍撬开了窗子。Two burglars were casing the joint.两个窃贼在踩点。The burglars cleaned out the shop.盗贼把商店洗劫一空。The burglars took flight when the alarm sounded.警报一响,盗贼们就逃走了。Two of the burglars were tipped off by a lookout and escaped.其中两个窃贼收到望风者的报信后逃跑了。Ever since the house was burgled, she has had burglars on the brain.自打房子遭夜盗以来,她脑子里总摆脱不了盗贼。Police managed to foil the burglars.警方成功阻截了窃贼。The burglars disabled the alarm and used a glass cutter to break into the house.劫犯们让报警器失灵,用玻璃刀进入了屋子。If you don't lock your doors and windows, you'll be a sitting target for burglars.如果你不锁上你的门和窗,你就会成为窃贼容易得手的目标。When the police arrived the burglars fled empty-handed.警察赶到时,窃贼两手空空地逃走了。He was killed by burglars in a botched robbery at his mansion.他被那帮在他大宅里笨手笨脚地盗窃的窃贼杀了。One of the burglars got away.其中一个盗贼逃走了。The burglars broke open the locked safe.入室窃贼砸开了上锁的保险柜。The burglars hid in the dark between the two buildings.窃贼躲藏在两幢建筑物之间的黑暗处。Leave the lights on when you're out in order to discourage burglars.出门时让灯开着防止盗贼闯入。One of the burglars waited outside to act as a lookout.其中一个盗贼等在外面望风。James was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the burglars.詹姆斯在和入室盗贼搏斗时嘴部挨了打。It appears the burglars entered through a back window.窃贼看来是从后窗进来的。Additional security devices have proved a no through road for burglars.附加的安全装置已证明让夜贼无计可施。He returned to find that burglars had ransacked his office.他回来后发现窃贼已把他的办公室洗劫一空。The burglars took everything they could carry.窃贼们盗走了所有拿得动的东西。Crime prevention officers can suggest improvements to deter burglars.预防犯罪的官员可以提出修正建议以威慑窃贼。They felt like a pair of burglars, enjoying themselves in someone else's house while the owner was away.他们感觉就像一对窃贼,乘房主外出时在人家的房子里快活。The burglars stole everything of value in my apartment.这帮窃贼偷走了我寓所里全部值钱的东西。As a general rule, burglars are wary about gaining entry from the front or side of a building.通常来说,窃贼对从房屋的正面或侧面潜入会比较谨慎。An alarm acts as a deterrent to most burglars.警报对大多数的窃贼能起到威慑作用。Make your home difficult to get into, and burglars will go elsewhere.让住宅变得难以闯入,这样窃贼就会去别处了。A visible alarm makes burglars think twice.看得见的警报器会使窃贼们三思而后行。Traditional hiding places are easy pickings for experienced burglars.对有经验的入室窃贼来说,人们惯常藏钱的那些地方最容易得手。The burglars started the fire as a decoy so that they could escape from police.窃贼放火以转移视线,使他们能逃脱警察的追捕。




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