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词汇 burglar
例句 She claimed that she shot the burglar because she was in fear for her life.她声称,她朝入室窃贼开枪是因为担心自己有生命危险。Despite burglar alarms and window locks, homes are never impregnable against determined thieves.即使家里装上防盗警报器并锁好窗户,也挡不住贼心不死的小偷。The burglar was foiled by a passer-by who noticed the broken window and phoned the police.窃贼被一名路人识破,这位路人发现窗户破了,于是报了警。We're having a burglar alarm put in.我们正在叫人安装防盗警报铃。If you have a burglar alarm fitted, make sure it is done by a reputable company.如果你想安装防盗报警器,一定要找一家声誉好的公司来做。In the unlikely event of a burglar entering the building, the alarm system will be activated.万一有窃贼进入大楼,警报系统便会启动。The burglar had broken in through a window.盗贼从窗户闯入。He was reasoning that the burglar was familiar with the house.他推断那撬窃贼对房屋的情况是很熟悉的。Burglars are windy of burglar alarms.撬窃犯害怕防盗报警装置。The burglar alarm was switched off.防盗警报器被关上了。The burglar left no clues.窃贼没有留下任何线索。The burglar escaped by climbing down a drainpipe.窃贼沿着雨水管爬下去,逃走了。I might today hesitate to turn in a burglar.今天把一个入室盗窃的人扭送警方我也许会犹豫。The governor pardoned the burglar.州长赦免了那个窃贼。A burglar could easily climb in through that window.窃贼可以轻而易举地从那扇窗子爬进去。The police successfully ensnared the burglar.警方成功地抓获了盗贼。He lunged at the burglar and wrestled with him for the weapon.他扑向盗贼,为夺取武器与之搏斗。Fitting a burglar alarm is the most effective way to increase home security.装防盗警铃是增强住宅安全最有效的方式。The burglar got into the house through an unlocked window.窃贼从一扇未锁的窗户钻进了屋。The burglar escaped scot-free with the booty.窃贼带着赃物安然逃脱。This burglar thought old people are easy prey.这个夜贼觉得老人容易下手。The burglar alarm is off. We forgot to reset it.防盗报警器关着,我们忘了把它重新接上。The burglar had left several traces of his presence.窃贼在现场留下了几处痕迹。Make your home more secure with our burglar alarm system.使用我们的防盗报警系统,使你的家庭更加安全。It inspired the burglar's desire for easy money.这使窃贼顿生搞不义之财的歹念。A burglar alarm was ringing further along the road.这条路前面一点有防盗报警器在响。Photocells are used in burglar alarms.光电管被应用于防盗警报器中。The burglar blew the safe open with dynamite.窃贼用炸药炸开了保险柜。The alarm frightened the burglar away.警报铃声吓走了窃贼。The burglar used an electronic device to circumvent the alarm.窃贼用一个电子装置使警铃失效。The burglar rifled the money drawer and made off with his booty.那撬窃贼搜劫了钱柜,然后携款逃走。He was attacked at his home after confronting a suspected burglar.他在家里遇到一名涉嫌盗窃的人,并遭到袭击。The burglar killed him by accident.入室窃贼失手杀死了他。Before they could gain entry, they had to deactivate the burglar alarm.他们在进去之前必须解除防盗警报。It was plucky of you to chase after the burglar.你真有胆量,敢追赶窃贼。The burglar used a jimmy to open the window.入室窃贼用撬棍撬开了窗户。Someone fitting/answering/matching the witness' description of the burglar has been arrested.符合目击者描述的窃贼模样的人已经被捕。She thought she had heard a burglar in the house, so she checked up, but found nobody.她好像听见屋里有贼,就去查看了一下,可是没发现什么人。I forgot to set the burglar alarm.我忘记打开防盗警报器了。A burglar broke in sometime during the night.窃贼在夜间某个时刻入室行窃。




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