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词汇 hottest
例句 She got one of the hottest earfuls I ever heard.她遭到一顿我难得听到的那种火辣辣的训斥。He was voted the hottest actor in Hollywood.他当选好莱坞最性感男演员。They have a siesta during the hottest part of the day.他们会在一天中最炎热的时刻小睡一会儿。Hollywood's hottest new actress好莱坞新近最红的女演员They're supposed to be the hottest thing since the Beatles.据说他们是自披头士乐队以后最红极一时的乐队。The Gobi desert is one of the hottest places on earth.戈壁沙漠是地球上最热的地方之一。This summer has been the hottest on record.今年夏天是有史以来最热的。The magazine carried an interview with the actor considered Hollywood's hottest property.这本杂志刊登了一篇对那位被视为好莱坞最走红的男演员的访谈。Her new book is supposed to be the hottest thing since Harry Potter.她的新书被认为是继《哈利·波特》后最热门的书。The hottest part of the engine is the cylinder head.发动机最热的部分是气缸盖。The months of July and August are the hottest.七八月份是最热的时候。The hottest buzz these days was the beheading incident committed by ISIS.这一阵子最热门的话题就是伊斯兰国的斩首事件。This is the hottest day we've had so far this summer.今天是今年夏天到现在为止最热的一天。It was the hottest October since records began.这是有史以来最热的十月。Education is shaping up as the hottest issue on the agenda.教育逐渐成为议程中最热点的问题。The north-south alignment of the house provides shade during the hottest part of the day.房屋的南北走向在一天中最热的时候也能提供阴凉。It was the hottest summer in living memory.那是人们记忆中最热的一个夏天。Fitness gurus call it the hottest new exercise trend of the year.健身专家称这是今年最新最流行的锻炼趋势。Put the oven onto its hottest setting.把烤箱的温度调到最高档。The hottest show in town was the Monet Exhibition at the Art Institute.全城最轰动的展览是在美术学院举办的莫奈画展。It was the hottest summer this century.这是本世纪最炎热的夏天。




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