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The next morning, on his way to the office, he could still feel the touch of her lips on his.第二天早晨去上班的路上,他依然能体味到她的双唇贴在自己唇上的感觉。The man sitting next to me had body odor and bad breath.坐在我旁边的那个人有体味和口臭。The humour of it takes some finding.其中的幽默需花些功夫体味才行。Savour the culinary delights of Morocco.体味一下摩洛哥烹饪的乐趣。The heat, the noise, the smell of the other passengers; everything about the subway disgusted him.那热气、那嘈杂声、那其他乘客的体味,地铁里的一切都让他感到恶心。The humour of it takes finding.其中的幽默要好好体味才能发现。 |