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It's a good idea to archive your files once a week.每星期把你的文件存档一次是个好主意。This vast archive has been indexed and made accessible to researchers.这个存量巨大的档案室的所有文件都已编了索引,可供研究人员使用。The original movie was stored in a film archive.电影的原始版本保存在电影档案馆中。We haven't yet been granted access to the archive.我们还无权接触到那些档案。The documentary uses original stills and archive footage.这部纪录片采用了原始剧照和档案胶片。Like others in the series, this programme includes rare archive film.和本系列中的其他几集一样,这个节目中也会看到罕见的档案影片。This software helps firms archive and retrieve emails.这种软件有助于公司更便捷地储存和检索电子邮件。I've been studying village records in the local archive.我一直在当地的档案馆中研究村庄的史料。We are collecting documents to build up an archive.我们正在收集文献资料逐步建立起档案。A quarter of this vast archive has been indexed.这一内容庞大的档案有四分之一已经编入目录索引。I decided I would go to the archive the next day.我决定第二天去一趟档案馆。The archive offers a central facility for cataloguing and indexing data.档案馆提供编制数据目录和索引的集中服务。The archive covers the author's entire literary and professional life, from her earliest juvenilia to her final lectures and articles.档案材料覆盖了作者的整个创作生涯,从她早期的少年时代作品到最后的讲座和文章等。The archive is a gold mine for historians.这个档案馆对于历史学家来说就是一座宝库。 |