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例句 They took the mattress to the dump.他们把床垫扔到了垃圾堆。Chuck it over there/into the corner.把它扔到那儿/角落里就行了。He threw it aside with an impatient gesture and walked off.他用一个不耐烦的手势把它扔到一边,然后走开了。She threw the cake I'd made on the floor and stood on it. Talk about being humiliated!她把我做的蛋糕扔到地上,然后踩在了上面。真是欺人太甚!The political hysteria soon wearied him and he dropped the newspaper to the floor.政界的歇斯底里让他厌烦,他把报纸扔到了地板上。The waste is often simply dumped overboard.废弃物常被直接扔到船外。Throw the potato peelings on the compost heap.把土豆皮扔到肥料堆上。She threw her coat on the bed.她把外套扔到床上。Don't throw your trash on the ground. Throw it in the trash can.别把垃圾扔到地上。扔进垃圾桶里。It seemed that Freeman had killed the man, and dumped the body in the lake.似乎是弗里曼杀死了这个男人,把尸体扔到了湖里。He stripped off his sweater and threw it onto the couch.他脱掉毛衣,扔到长沙发上。She committed the letter to the fire.她把信扔到火里烧了。She slung the book across the room.她把书扔到房间的另一头。They destroyed the evidence by flushing it down the toilet.他们把物证扔到马桶里冲走,从而销毁了它。He flung the books aside angrily.他生气地把书扔到一边。In a sudden paroxysm of rage, Craig hurled it across the room.克雷格突然勃然大怒,把它猛力扔到房间另一端。Algernon was thrown in the fountain by a bunch of hearties from the rowing club.阿尔杰农被一帮划艇俱乐部的伙伴扔到了喷泉里。I'll take this lot to the tip.我要把这堆东西全都扔到垃圾场去。She flumped her books on the table.她砰地把书扔到桌子上。Don't throw your apple core on the floor!别把苹果核扔到地板上!He threw the package roughly in the truck.他把包裹胡乱扔到了卡车上。She dropped the book smack in the middle of the table.她正好把书扔到了桌子中间。He tore off his jacket and hurled it into a doorway.他胡乱地脱下夹克,扔到了门口。He threw a handful of money onto the table.他把一把钱扔到了桌子上。He unlocked the car and threw the coat on to the back seat.他用钥匙打开车门,把外套扔到了后座上。He tossed his dirty socks onto the floor.他把脏袜子扔到地板上。In her anger, she slammed the ball against the fence.一气之下,她猛地把球扔到栅栏上。Margaret dropped the letters onto her desk.玛格丽特把信扔到书桌上。He unzipped his jacket and flung it on a chair.他脱下夹克,把它扔到椅子上。He got his winter jacket from the closet and dropped it on the sofa.他从衣橱里取出冬天穿的夹克,把它扔到沙发上。Throw the rubbish in the bin.把垃圾扔到垃圾箱里。He shot a spitball into the girl's hair.他把蘸了唾沫的纸团扔到那女孩的头发上。She consigned his letter to the wastebasket. 她把他的信扔到了废纸篓里。He threw the ball high in the air.他把球高高地扔到空中。He balled the letter in his hands and threw it in the trash.他把信揉成团扔到了垃圾箱里。I threw the book aside in disgust.我厌恶地把书扔到一边。A sailor threw a rope ashore and we tied the boat to a post.一个水手将一条缆绳扔到岸上,于是我们把船拴到了一根柱子上。He flung his shoe across the room.他把鞋子扔到了房间的另一头。He threw/tossed his coat aside.他把外套扔到了一边。He threw the ball to home plate from the outfield.他把球从外场扔到本垒。




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