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The hotel manager will arrange for a babysitter.宾馆经理会安排人照看婴儿。The hotel manager thanked the staff and told them to keep up the good work.饭店经理对员工表示感谢,并要求他们再接再厉。The hotel manager fell over backwards to give the movie star everything she wanted.酒店经理想方设法满足影星所需要的一切。The hotel manager slowly looked the old man up and down and then asked him to leave.旅馆经理慢条斯理地上下打量着老人,然后请他离开。We lodged a complaint with the hotel manager. 我们向酒店经理提出投诉。The hotel manager will arrange for a baby-sitter.旅店经理将安排一个人看孩子。 |