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例句 Promise me you won't tell him what I have said. Cross your heart and hope to die!答应我你决不把我说的话讲给他听。你给我发誓,说了不得好死! Sorry, I can't today. Now if you'd asked me yesterday, I would have said yes.抱歉,我今天不行。如果你昨天问我的话,我会说行的。If you wanted to leave early, you should have said so.如果你想早点走,你应该早点说一声。What I have said about Smith goes for you, too.我说的关于史密斯的话也适用于你。Several countries have said they may boycott next year's Olympic Games.几个国家称可能抵制明年的奥运会。What you have said has no bearing on the subject under discussion.你所说的话与正在讨论的问题没有关系。Susan bit back the words she would like to have said.苏珊话到嘴边又咽了回去。But the soldier's lawyers have said she was following orders from higher-ups.但是该士兵的律师说她不过是在依上级命令行事而已。Doctors have said that legal highs should be subject to more controls.医生们说合法致幻药品因受更严格管制。You can't retract what you have said.你不能收回自己说过的话。What you have said has wounded me.你说的话刺伤了我。Several members of the government have said they regard the Minister's statement as ridiculous.几名政府官员说他们认为那位大臣的说法简直是荒谬。Allied military leaders have said they want actions, not words.盟军领导人说他们要的是行动,不是空话。Heaven only knows what his mother would have said.天晓得他母亲原本会说什么。No one could, with justice, have said he was lazy.公正地讲,没有人会说他懒惰。As I have said earlier in this book, bad shoes are a menace.正如我在本书前面说过的那样,劣质的鞋子会很麻烦。It is rather unfortunate that the President should have said this.总统竟然这么说相当令人遗憾。Military leaders have said they want actions, not words.军方领导人说他们要的是行动,而不是空话。It is rather unfortunate that the Prime Minister should have said this.真可叹,首相竟会说这话。Susan bit back the words she would like to have said.苏珊把本来想说的话咽了回去。I agree that he shouldn't have said that, but there's no reason to make a federal case out of it. 他不该那么说,这点我同意,可你也没必要因此就大动干戈吧。He obviously doesn't have a plan, or he would have said something.他显然没有计划,不然的话他肯定会说几句的。US officials have said they have not yet determined how to handle his case.美国官员表示他们尚未决定如何处理他的案子。He repeated what I have said word for word .他逐字重复我讲的话。Officials have said the information was too vague to act upon.官员们说此消息尚不清楚,不能依此行动。Oops, I shouldn't have said that. Me and my big mouth.哎呀,我不应该说那些的,都怪我多嘴。I waited ages for you - you could have said that you weren't coming!我等了你很久——你应该提前说一声你不来!Critics of the scheme have said that it will not solve the problem of teenage crime.此项计划的批评者说它解决不了青少年犯罪问题。In the heat of the moment, I may have said things that I did not really mean.情急之下我可能说了些不是我本意的话。I hope that I have said nothing to pain you.我希望我说的话不会使你难过。He’s merely parroting what many others have said.他不过是鹦鹉学舌,重复许多人说过的话而已。Party leaders have said they will not take part in the election.党的领导人说他们不打算参加选举。He can scarcely have said that.他决不会说这种话的。His relatives have said he became unbalanced after the death of his father.亲戚们说他在父亲去世后就精神失常了。The authorities have said they will attempt to maintain essential services.当局已表示他们将努力维持公共基础服务。He could have said someplace more convenient, but he was being purposely inconvenient to discipline me.他原可以指定个方便些的地点,但为了治我一下,他故意给我增添点麻烦。I agree entirely with what you have said.我完全同意你的说法。I hope that they will take on board some of what you have said.我希望他们能够听进去你的一些意见。Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I wasn't thinking.对不起,我不该说那样的话。 是我太冒昧了。Who's to say he wouldn't have said yes if he'd known?谁能断定如果他知道了不会同意呢?




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