例句 |
The government's change of policy is intended to reduce the gap between the haves and have-nots in our society.政府改变政策,目的是缩小我们社会中富人与穷人的差距。The stark contrast between the haves and have-nots has always existed but in a recession the injustices become more painful.虽然富人和穷人之间一直差距悬殊,但这种不公在经济萧条期愈加显得令人难以接受。The stark contrast between the haves and have-nots has always existed, but in a recession the injustices become more painful.虽然巨大的贫富差距一直存在,但在经济萧条期,这种不公造成的痛楚更加强烈。 |