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词汇 Hotel
例句 If you are extremely rich, you could stay nowhere better than the Ruislip Court Hotel.如果你非常有钱,那就住赖斯利普宫廷酒店吧,没有比它更好的地方了。The Colonel had summoned him to Cancun for the meeting at the Rena Victoria Hotel.上校把他召到坎昆岛去参加在雷娜·维多利亚酒店召开的会议。The Ambassador Hotel is a Los Angeles landmark.国宾大饭店是洛杉矶的标志性建筑。In the garden of the Savoy Hotel the sprinklers suddenly burst into life.在萨瓦酒店花园里,喷淋装置突然启动了。I locked the bike in the forecourt of the Kirey Hotel.我把自行车锁在了吉日旅馆的前院。Hotel chains often cut prices in order to sell excess inventory.连锁酒店经常为了消化剩余客房而减价。In her old jeans and college sweater, Sarah looked a little out of place in the foyer of the Grand Hotel.萨拉穿着旧牛仔裤和印着校名的套头毛衣,在格兰德酒店的门厅里看上去有点格格不入。He was happy to book into the Royal Pavilion Hotel.他很高兴能入住圣庭苑酒店。She had a ticket for a dinner and fashion show at the Castle Hotel.她有一张在城堡酒店举行的晚宴和时装表演的门票。The Park Hotel has a well-deserved reputation.帕克旅馆的名声当之无愧。We'll be staying at the Hotel Ibis.我们将住在伊比斯宾馆。The wedding was followed by a big party at the Chelsea Hotel.婚礼之后在切尔西酒店举行了一场大型聚会。The foreign ministers are meeting in the splendour of Oktyabrskaya Hotel in central Moscow.外长们正在莫斯科市中心富丽堂皇的十月酒店里开会。The Grand Hotel was now just a mound of rubble.格兰德大酒店现在成了一大堆瓦砾。Hotel rooms are difficult to find at the peak of the holiday season.节假日高峰期宾馆一房难求。The Hotel les Tipaniers, practically hidden between two much larger hotels, is easy to overlook but worth finding.蒂庞宾馆几乎是躲在两家更大的酒店之间,很容易被忽略,但是却值得一找。It was arranged that the party would gather for lunch in the Royal Garden Hotel.已经和这一行人说好将在皇家花园宾馆吃午餐。Bruce graduated to chef at the Bear Hotel.布鲁斯晋升为大熊饭店的厨师长。The Imperial Hotel in Tokyo was designed by the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright.东京的帝国大饭店是由著名建筑师弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特设计的。The Hotel has been ordered to close because it is overrun by mice and rats.由于老鼠泛滥成灾,该旅馆被勒令关闭。The Grand Hotel has been completely refurbished.格兰酒店已彻底整修。Hotel guests are requested to vacate their rooms by noon.宾馆房客务请在中午之前退房。As its name suggests, the Carlton Beach Hotel is situated near the sea.正如其名字所暗示的那样,卡尔顿海滩宾馆就坐落在大海边。Set in spectacular countryside, the Shiga Hotel is the perfect place to unwind.志贺酒店坐落于景色独特的乡间,是放松身心的绝佳去处。Hotel inspectors have to travel incognito.酒店检查员巡查时要使用化名。We sat in the opulent surroundings of the Ritz Hotel.我们坐在丽兹酒店豪华舒适的环境里。He had a princely suite in the Imperial Hotel.他在帝国饭店有一个豪华的套间。This year's conference will be held at the Hilton Hotel.今年的研讨会将在希尔顿酒店召开。We booked into the Grosvenor Hotel on his recommendation.我们听他的推荐,预定了格罗夫纳酒店。The Newton Hotel is halfway up a steep hill.丽东酒店位于陡峭的半山腰上。Hotel staff must be courteous at all times.宾馆职员任何时候都必须谦恭有礼。The pair were spotted together at a champagne reception at the Imperial Hotel.他俩在帝国酒店举行的香槟酒会上双双被人认出。The wedding will be held at St Martin's Church and the wedding reception at the Crathorne Hotel.婚礼将在圣马丁教堂举行,婚宴设在克莱桑酒店。Few city hotels can outclass the Hotel de Crillon.没有几家城市酒店能与克里雍大饭店媲美。He was staying at the Fox Hotel under the name of Swift.他住在福克斯饭店,用斯威夫特这个名字。Hotel Swagat: Boarding and Lodging斯瓦根特旅馆:提供食宿The Grand Union Hotel is one of the classiest hotels in this part of the country.联合大酒店是该国这一地区最高级的酒店之一。The Mortimer Hotel offers easy access to central London.从莫蒂默旅馆去往伦敦市中心交通近便。This spring RF will also bring on stream the Hotel de Russie in Rome and the Savoy in Florence. RF旗下的罗马露兹大酒店和佛罗伦萨萨伏伊酒店也将在今年春季开始营业。We dumped our bags at the nearby Grand Hotel and hurried towards the market.我们把包扔在附近的格兰德酒店后就匆匆赶往集市。




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