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词汇 Hot
例句 Hot wax dripped onto my fingers.热蜡滴落在我的手指上。Hot air rises.热空气上升。Hot drinks can cause hot flushes.喝热饮料可引致发热潮红。Hot fat spluttered up and scalded her.热油喷溅了上来并烫伤了她。Hot water will set the stain.热水会使污渍固着。Hot weather in summer makes me feel limp.夏天的炎热气候使我感到倦怠乏力。Hot spots of radioactivity were found near the power station.发电站附近被发现有辐射热点。Hot knives of pain surged through her head.她头部感到阵阵刀割般的灼痛。Hot food is available, though the prisoners have to cook it up themselves.可以吃到热饭热菜,不过犯人们必须自己煮。Hot dogs are the paradigmatic American food.热狗是典型的美式食品。Hot water is then flushed through the pipe.接着用热水冲刷管子。Hot paraffin solidifies as it cools.热的石蜡在冷却时变成固体。Hot wax solidifies as it cools.热蜡冷却后就凝固了。Hot weather indisposes a person to work hard.炎热使人不愿奋力工作。Hot summer days like this just scream for ice cream and visits to the pool.像这样的炎炎夏日太适合吃冰激凌和去游泳了。Hot soup is good for a cold. 热汤对治疗感冒有好处。Wilder's next film was the immortal comedy, Some Like It Hot.怀尔德接下来的一部电影是不朽的喜剧《热情如火》。Hot baths are my favourite luxury.泡个热水澡是我最大的乐事。Hot coffee revived the cold, tired man.热咖啡使这个又冷又累的人恢复了精力。You won your race? Hot dog!你赛跑赢了?太棒了!Hot soup is very comforting on a cold winter's day.冬季大冷天喝热汤浑身都感到很暖和。Hot dogs are a perennial favorite at barbecues. 热狗一直是倍受喜爱的烧烤野餐食物。Hot-desking allows a company to have significantly smaller premises.办公桌轮用制可以显著地减少公司的办公场地。Hot weather takes it out of him.天热得他浑身无力。Hot water shrinks wool.热水会使羊毛皱缩。Hot words passed and then blows between them.他们之间先是激烈争吵,后来打起来了。Hot cups of tea can make marks on polished tables.热茶杯可能会在磨光的桌面上留下烫痕。Hot lava bubbled up.滚烫的岩浆涌了出来。Hot water shrank the sweater.热水使毛衣缩水了。Hot objects emit infrared radiation.热物体发出红外辐射。Hot lava bubbled up to the Earth's surface.炽热的岩浆喷涌到地球表面。Hot water circulates through the heating system.热水在供暖系统中循环。Hot weather multiplied the bacteria in the food rapidly.炎热的天气使食品中的细菌迅速繁殖。Hot, dry weather has seared their fields.炎热干燥的天气使他们的田地枯萎了。Hot and cold days often average out in a year.一年中炎热的日子和寒冷的日子往往相等。Hot water is available at all times.随时都有热水。Hot water is piped to all the rooms.热水通到所有房间。Hot dishes may spoil the varnish on a table.热的盘子会损坏桌子的亮光漆面。Hot, dry weather is conducive to the spread of forest fires.炎热干燥的天气容易使森林火灾蔓延。Hot weather multiplys the bacteria in milk rapidly.炎热的天气使牛奶中的细菌迅速繁殖。




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