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词汇 holidays
例句 The two of us differ as to how we should spend our holidays.关于如何度假,我俩意见分歧。At this time of year, the papers are full of advertisements for skiing holidays.每年的这个时候,报纸上都登满了滑雪度假的广告。The children were shipped off to their grandparents' house for the holidays.孩子们被送到祖父母家度假。My extended family usually gets together at holidays.我的大家庭通常在假日里相聚。The beach has positive associations for me as I used to spend my holidays there.这片海滩给我一种美好的联想,因为我曾经常去那儿度假。The storefront was decorated for the holidays.商店门面装点一新迎接节日。It's the last word in luxury holidays.这是最奢华的度假。We used to spend our holidays in a small French town.我们曾在一个法国小镇里度假。It's not too late to get into shape before the summer holidays.暑假之前把身体锻炼好也不太迟。We're a bit hard up at the moment so we're not thinking about holidays.我们最近手头有些紧,所以不考虑度假的事。It's a good job with paid holidays.这份工作很好,有带薪假期。The company's offices were besieged by hundreds of people who had holidays planned.公司的办公室被几百个已经计划好度假的人团团围住。The mention of skiing holidays put me in mind of a documentary that I saw last week.提到假日滑雪使我想起上周看到的一部旅行记录片。She's completely unsentimental about holidays.她对待假期非常理智。I shall have a handful when those boys come home for the holidays.等那些男孩回家度假时,够我麻烦的了。My aunt's coming to stay in the holidays.假期里我姨妈要来暂住。He was accused of slacking and taking too many holidays.他被指责做事磨洋工,休假太多。For me, holidays are a time to slow down and relax with my family.对我来说,假期是个放松下来与家人一起休息的时间。We spent the Easter holidays in Wales.我们在威尔士度过了复活节假期。The holidays are a time for charity and good will.节日期间人们常常行善举、表厚意。I'm going to make an appointment at the dentist and get it over with before the holidays.我打算跟牙医约一个时间,放假前把治牙的事尽快了结掉。During the Christmas holidays there's a tremendous amount of traffic between the Northeast and Florida.在圣诞假日期间,东北地区和佛罗里达州之间的交通十分繁忙。The trial recessed for the holidays.审讯因节假日而暂时中止。This hotel is for serious travellers, rather than tourists on two-week holidays.这家旅馆接待真正热衷旅行的人士,而不是那些度假两星期的游客。All employees get an annual bonus before the holidays.假日前,所有的员工都拿到了年度奖金。The holidays always set off a lot of activity in our home.我们家假日里总是很热闹。We were at home for the holidays.圣诞新年期间我们在家里。Ask about special offers on our new 2-week holidays.请垂询我们新推出的特价两周假日游。They took separate holidays at least once every two years.他们每两年至少有一次各自去度假。Many northern Europeans spend their holidays in warmer climates.许多北欧人都到气候较暖和的地区去度假。We'll meet up during the Christmas holidays.我们会在圣诞节假期见面。We always go abroad for our holidays.我们总是出国度假。The kids seem pretty excited about the holidays.孩子们因为假期显得很兴奋。It is a commonplace fact that holidays are a major test of any relationship.度假对任何恋爱关系都是重大考验,这是常识。We've already booked up for our holidays.我们已经为假期做了预订。He had suffered a serious case of food poisoning over the Christmas holidays.在圣诞假期里,他经历了一次严重的食物中毒。I worked as an usher at the local cinema during the holidays.放假期间,我在当地的电影院里当引座员。The first day of the holidays dawned.假期的第一天到来了。One in six of us suffers stomach troubles on foreign holidays.出国度假时,每六人中就有一人感到胃部不适。Business is quiet during the holidays.节假日期间生意很清淡。




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