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Holiday entitlements for temporary workers are less than for permanent staff.临时工可享有的假期比固定员工的要短。Holiday-makers can also add on a week in Majorca before or after the cruise.度假者们可以在乘游轮游览之前或之后再在马略卡岛呆上一星期。Billie Holiday was famous for singing the blues.比利·霍利戴以演唱布鲁斯歌曲闻名。Holiday is a dirty word to most people in this office.对这个办公室的大多数人来说,假期是很令人讨厌的。He unearthed a rare early recording by Billie Holiday.他发现了一张珍贵的比利·霍利迪早期的唱片。Holiday-makers should beware of using plastic cards in foreign cash dispensers.度假者在国外自动取款机上使用银行卡要小心谨慎。Holiday-makers crowded the beaches.海滩上挤满了度假者。We're staying at the Holiday Inn.我们住在假日酒店。Billie Holiday or Bessie Smith had more personality than a hundred of today's pop singers.不管是比利·霍利迪也好,贝茜·史密斯也好,都比当今一百个流行乐歌手加起来还要有个性。Holiday spots have seen a dramatic revival and tourist chiefs are competing for a slice of the action.各个度假点重又呈现出一派兴旺景象,旅游业的龙头老大们都在争着分一杯羹。The Holiday Inn provided the venue for this year's conference.假日酒店为今年的会议提供了场地。Holiday mad Brits are packing their buckets and spades and heading for the sun.酷爱假日的英国人正收拾小桶和锹铲前往阳光充足的地方。Holiday traffic congested the highways.节日的车辆堵塞了公路。 |