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例句 World Music is now well established and popular with mass audiences.世界音乐现在已广为人知,并受到了广大听众的喜爱。While animation has universal appeal, audiences have become increasingly insistent on high standards.动画片虽然广受欢迎,但是观众越来越苛求高标准了。They use shock tactics to shake audiences out of complacency.他们使用耸动视听法以打击观众的自满情绪。Crawford is best known to television audiences as a lovable idiot.克劳福德在电视观众面前最出名的是扮演一个可爱的傻瓜。She can still pull in adoring audiences.她仍然能吸引爱慕的观众。Her daringly low-cut dress scandalised audiences.她大胆的低胸裙子使观众一片哗然。The movie wowed audiences with its amazing special effects.该影片以令人叫绝的特效大获观众喜爱。Her jokes are too blue for most audiences.她的笑话对大多数听众来说都太黄色了。Shakespeare's plays have a timeless appeal to all audiences.莎士比亚的戏剧对于所有的观众都有着永恒的魅力。The television show has young audiences to thank for its success. 这档电视节目因为受到年轻观众的喜爱而大获成功。The movie hits just the right note with young audiences.这部电影恰到好处地迎合了年轻观众。Her overt sexuality shocked movie audiences.她在影片中露骨的情色表演令观众大为震惊。The show has delighted television audiences in the United States and Britain.这档节目在美国和英国都受到电视观众的喜爱。Their audiences are primed and at the ready.他们的观众都已经准备就绪。With audiences in the US falling for the first time in a generation, Hollywood is girding itself for recession.随着美国的电影观众人数在二三十年里首次下跌,好莱坞正在为萧条期做好准备。Advertisers attempted to beam their messages to higher-income audiences.广告商们试图以收入较高的观众作为宣传的对象。He had poor notices and small audiences.他的演出反应很差,观众很少。These two programs are both news and current affairs, but they cater for very different audiences.这两个都是新闻和时事节目,但所针对的听众却非常不同。We played to ninety per cent audiences.我们演出时的上座率有九成。She lectures to audiences all over the world.她向世界各地的听众发表演讲。Television had white-anted their audiences, and they had to use the place for other things besides films.电视挖走了他们的观众,因此他们不得不在放映电影外把电影院另作他用。The pictures were not meant to titillate audiences.图片本意不是为了挑逗观众。He enthralled audiences in Prague, Vienna, and Paris.他让布拉格、维也纳和巴黎的观众们着迷。Her voice kept audiences at her feet for years.她的歌声多年来使听众拜倒在她的脚下。His music delighted audiences all over the world.他的音乐让全世界的观众为之沉醉。His lecture accused the BBC of going downmarket in search of mass audiences.他在演讲中指责英国广播公司为了吸引普通受众而降低水准。She intended the play to carry audiences toward a sense of peace and understanding.她想让这部戏把和平与理解的意识带给观众。The show seemed to connect with audiences.这场表演似乎使观众产生了共鸣。They tailored the show for/to younger audiences.他们为年轻观众专门制作了这个节目。The play ran for a month to capacity audiences.此剧演了一个月,场场客满。Video-conferencing enables us to address audiences all over the nation simultaneously.电视会议使我们能够同时向全国的观众发表演讲。Most of the stars in the movie are unknown to US audiences.这部电影里的大多数明星都不为美国观众所熟悉。The play has been rewritten in an attempt to make it more palatable to modern audiences.为了更好地迎合现代观众,这部剧被改编了。These artists remain relatively unknown to Western audiences.这些艺术家相对而言仍不为西方的艺术爱好者所熟知。He's got a job warming up for TV studio audiences.他找到一份工作,负责在电视节目录制前调动观众的气氛。That movie is a great favorite with audiences everywhere.那部电影是各地观众的最爱。I've done dozens of shows in the north of England, and the audiences were great!我在英格兰北部表演过几十次,观众很热情!The new play is fetching large audiences every night.这出新戏每晚都吸引大批观众。We wanted to create something that both deaf and hearing audiences could enjoy.他想创造一件东西让不论耳聋还是听力正常的人都能享受。She dreaded making speeches in front of large audiences.她害怕在大庭广众面前演讲。




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