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词汇 audience
例句 This allowed us to bring our message to a different, younger audience.这使得我们能把我们的理念带给不同的、更加年轻的受众。His verbal pyrotechnics could hold an audience spellbound.他出色的口才能迷倒听众。The company is using TV commercials to reach a bigger audience.公司正在利用电视商业广告赢得更多观众的关注。The audience howled with laughter. 观众放声大笑。There were shouts of derision from the audience.观众发出嘲笑声。His audience consists predominantly of groups of rugby-club revellers.他的观众主要是橄榄球俱乐部里那些纵酒作乐的人。His speech fired the audience with enthusiasm.他的演说使听众充满了热情。The audience faced the speaker.听众面对讲演人。The audience roared/shrieked/howled with laughter.观众们哈哈大笑/尖声狂笑/放声大笑。It's got audience appeal.那档节目人气很高。The audience wants more music and less drama, so we've cut some scenes.观众想要多一些音乐,少一些表演,所以我们删掉了一些场景。The audience erupted in gales of laughter.观众发出阵阵笑声。He read the new regulations amid running remarks from the audience.他在听众的议论纷纷中宣读新条例。She reworked her speech for a younger audience.为了给更年轻的观众作演讲,她修改了讲稿。He got a chuckle from a few members of the audience.观众中有几个人对他发出轻笑。The circus was not a very good one, but then, the audience was not demanding.这个马戏团并不出色,不过观众的要求也不高。It was as if the audience was completely mesmerized by the small figure on the stage.观众似乎被舞台上的这个身材矮小的人完全迷住了。The French Ambassador was received in audience by the Queen.法国大使为女王所接见。The show turned into a fiasco when members of the audience invaded the stage.一些观众蹿上舞台,演出完全失败了。If this performer doesn't knock the audience out, I don't know what would.如果这位表演者不能使观众赞不绝口的话,我不知道还有什么能了。She spoke clearly and deliberately to the audience.她对听众演讲,表达清晰,从容不迫。He was pleased by the receptiveness of the audience.观众愿意聆听,他感到很高兴。I thought the speech was stupid, but the audience ate it up.我觉得这个演讲很无聊,但听众对此非常喜欢。The audience was convulsed with/by laughter.观众笑得前俯后仰。This is an obvious sop to the large Irish-American audience.这明显是讨好广大爱尔兰裔美国观众的一种手段。The audience wasn't very responsive and the jokes fell flat.听众没什么反应,那些笑话未能让人发笑。There seems to be an inverse relationship between audience size and audience response.观众的人数与反响似乎成反比。Galileo wrote in the vernacular to reach a larger audience.为了让更多读者看懂,伽利略用本国语著作。She loves to camp it up whenever she has a large audience.每逢观众多时,她就喜欢做作地表演。The audience rustles in anticipation.听众在期待中窃窃私语。His speech was a tonic to the audience.他的讲话使听众感到鼓舞。She turned her back to the audience.她转过身背对着观众。The programme was cancelled because of falling audience figures.因为观众人数越来越少,节目被取消了。The lights dimmed, and the audience went quiet as the curtain rose.灯光暗了下来,幕升起时观众都安静了。I try to key my lectures to my audience.我尽量使演讲符合听众的要求。The audience is free to accept or reject Stone's interpretation of the facts.听众可自己选择接受或反对斯通对这些事实的解释。A panel of experts will answer questions from the television audience.专家小组将回答电视观众提出的问题。The audience pressed into the theatre.观众挤进了剧院。The poorness of the play disappointed the audience.这出剧的拙劣令观众失望了。An audience gathered to hear him speak.一群听众聚集起来听他讲话。




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