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She married an artist with an arbitrary character.她嫁给一个性格反复无常的艺术家。The company has been the subject of an arbitrary take-over.这家公司被强行接管。The fans complained about the apparently arbitrary distribution of tickets for the next game.球迷们抱怨下一场比赛门票的分发显然是随心所欲的。Dictators are arbitrary rulers.独裁者即独断专横的统治者。The court ruled that the punishment was arbitrary and capricious.法院裁定那项处罚既武断又不合理。This is a country where arbitrary arrests are commonplace.在这个国家里,公民遭到肆意逮捕是司空见惯的事。An arbitrary number has been assigned to each district.每个区都被分配了一个随意选定的号码。Did you have a reason for choosing your destination or was it arbitrary?你根据什么选择目的地?还是随意选定的?Opponents of the regime had been subject to arbitrary detention.政府中的反对派人士被随意拘留。People feel threatened when decision-making is inconsistent and arbitrary.如果决策多变而武断,人们就会感到不安。The rules seemed arbitrary and inflexible.这些规定似乎是任意作出的,而且缺乏弹性。This is an arbitrary decision.这是个武断的决定。I don't know why I chose that one; it was a completely arbitrary decision.不知道我为何那样选择,它完全是一个武断的决定。Although arbitrary arrests are illegal, they continue to occur in many parts of the country.尽管擅自逮捕是违法的,但在这个国家的许多地方这样的事还是不断发生。The way the programme of events is organized seems completely arbitrary to me.在我看来,这次活动的安排完全是随心所欲的。 |