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词汇 hold up
例句 You can count on her to hold up her end. 你可以放心,她会完成她应做的那部分。We can't knock that wall down. It's the one that holds up the house.我们不能把那道墙拆掉,那是房子的承重墙。These poles hold up the outer part of the tent.这些杆子支撑帐篷的外部。How long will you hold up on such a sum of money?靠这点儿钱你能维持多久?Lukaku used his strength to hold up the ball, giving Baines time to sprint downfield in support.卢卡库凭着强壮的身体把球控制住,让巴恩斯有时间冲到前场提供支持。His job as a target man is to hold up the ball long enough to bring his teammates into play.他作为进攻支点的任务是尽量长时间控制住球,让队友有机会参与配合。Democrats say arguments against the bill won't hold up.民主党人声称反对该议案的论点站不住脚。The rain will hold up very soon.雨马上就要停了。Continuing violence could hold up progress towards reform.持续的暴力活动可能会阻延改革的进程。The magician told her to hold up three cards of her choice.魔术师让她任选三张牌举起来。Even though they lost the game, they can still hold up their heads because they tried their best.尽管输了这场比赛,他们仍然感到骄傲,因为他们拼尽了全力。This house holds up well despite its age.这幢房子虽老,但仍完好地矗立着。The car holds up to six people.这辆车最多可容纳六人。Although his argument is appealing, it doesn't really hold up.尽管他的论点很吸引人,但不大可信。We'll have to wait to see if sales hold up.我们还需等等才能知道销售量是否挺得住。We hope the weather will hold up.我们希望天气继续晴好。She did her best to hold up before her children.她在孩子面前尽最大努力保持平静。This must not be allowed to hold up the peace process.一定不能让这件事阻碍和平进程。I hold up my hands: I got it wrong.我承认是我弄错了。You will hold up the responsibility for all the serious consequences arising therefrom.你要承担由此而产生的一切严重后果。A bracket may be used to hold up a shelf or a candle.托架可用来支撑搁板或蜡烛。The facts will hold up what I said.事实将证明我说的话属实。Intense heat from the fire could have warped and weakened the steel trusses that hold up the roof.大火的高温可能已经使支撑屋顶的钢桁架变得脆弱并发生扭曲。She has to hold up the roof for the children.为了孩子她必须苦撑这个家。I hope the repairs hold up until we can get to a garage.我希望这样修一下能让我们坚持到修车厂。I'm looking for a doings to hold up a curtain rail that's fallen down.我在找一个能托住脱落的窗帘杆的东西。There were fears that her ankle might not hold up for the competition.人们担心她的踝关节在这次比赛中无法保持良好状态。




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