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词汇 deed
例句 Everyone sins at some time, in thought if not in deed.人人都会犯罪,如果不是在行动上那就是在思想里。An evil deed may recoil on the head of the doer.恶行可能会报应在作恶者自己头上。The gunman had been hired by a rival Mafia family to do the dirty deed.一个敌对的黑手党家族雇用了那个枪手来实施这一卑劣行动。He had done a good deed.他做了件好事。The deed of transfer must be entered at the land registry.转让契约必须在土地登记处登记。A great deed reflects credit on its doer.伟大业绩给创此业绩的人带来荣誉。The other option is to change your name by deed poll which involves going to the courts.另一个选择是通过单边契据更改姓名,而这样做需要上法庭。Far from being an ignominy this was a courageous and morally correct deed.这非但不是卑劣行为,反而是勇敢的正义行动。She would not be able to relax until the deed was done.直到这件事做好她才能放松下来。I deliver this as my act and deed.我把它交出作为我所作所为的凭证。The plaintiff's right to set aside the deed is barred by laches.原告解约的权利由于迟迟不予行使而不得再行提出。He was honourable in word and in deed.他言行诚信可敬。The deed was attested by the subscription of his signature.契约上有他的签章为证。His praiseworthy deed earned him a special citation.他那值得赞扬的行为使他赢得了特别提名嘉奖。He gave them the deed to the property.他把房地产契约交给了他们。The song that nerves a nation's heart is in itself a deed.鼓舞民族勇气的歌曲本身就是杰出的成就。In his entire professional life he never said an ungracious word nor did an ignoble deed.他在整个职业生涯中从未说过一句粗野的话,也从未做过一件不名誉的事。She felt that she had done her good deed for the day.她当时认为自己做了好事。He is honest in word and in deed. 他的一言一行都很真诚。She tried to strangle her baby and her lover helped her finish the evil deed.她想把自己的婴儿掐死,她的情人帮助她干成了这件邪恶的事。I have the deed to the house.我有这所房子的房契。That brave deed merited a better reward.这种勇敢的行为应该得到更好的奖赏。A good deed will never be overpassed.好事总会有人注意到。He was honorable in word and in deed.他言行诚信可敬。Well, that's my good deed for the day.瞧,那是我今天干的一件好事。They are transferring the deed to the new owner.他们在把地契过户到新业主名下。The perpetrators of this evil deed must be brought to justice.必须将参与这一恶行的凶手绳之以法。It's the doing of the good deed that is important, not the thanks you receive.重要的是你行善的行为,而不是你得到的感谢。The land was transferred by deed.根据地契这块土地被转让了。You did a good thing/deed when you helped that stranger.你帮助了那个陌生人,就是做了件好事。Do you have the deed to the house?你有这所房屋的房契吗?It's too late now. The deed is done.木已成舟。现在一切为时已晚。




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