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词汇 dedicate to
例句 He was dedicated to ending the tyranny of slavery.他致力于结束奴隶制度的暴政。We are dedicated to the principle of equal opportunity.我们奉行机会均等的原则。The organization is dedicated to saving endangered animals.这一组织致力于拯救濒临灭绝的动物。The church is dedicated to St Paul.这座教堂是奉献给圣保罗的。The memorial garden is dedicated to those who died in the accident. 谨以这座纪念花园献给那些在事故中失去生命的人们。The organization is dedicated to scholarly research on life in the next millennium.该组织着重于对下一个千年中生活的学术研究。The other day, in a little church near Brighton, a window was dedicated to the memory of the Revd. Michael Scott.几天前,在布赖顿附近的一个小教堂,人们以一扇窗户来纪念迈克尔·斯科特牧师。Part of the building was dedicated to computer typesetting.大楼的一部分拨作计算机排字或排版之用。The college is dedicated to promoting lifelong learning.该学院致力于推进终身学习。Chiswick church is dedicated to St Nicholas, patron saint of sailors.奇西克教堂为水手的守护神圣尼古拉而建。The Women's Gym is a women-only space dedicated to women of all ages, shapes and sizes.女子健身馆只对女性开放,不论年龄、健康状况和个头。The record is dedicated to her mother, who died recently.这张唱片是献给她不久前去世的母亲的。He's an honest, responsible citizen who respects the law and is dedicated to his family.他是个诚实可靠,有责任心的公民,遵纪守法,对家庭尽心尽责。The book was dedicated to her husband.这本书题献给了她的丈夫。The book is dedicated to Emma, with love from Harry.这本书是哈里为表示爱意题献给埃玛的。The monument was dedicated to the memory of the national hero.这座碑是为纪念那位民族英雄而建造的。He was very hard-working and dedicated to his research.他非常努力,一心一意搞自己的研究工作。The organization was dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism.该组织致力于推翻资本主义。A monument was dedicated to the memory of the soldiers who had died there.为纪念牺牲的士兵,在那儿建了一座纪念碑。The organization is dedicated to the free exchange of information.该机构致力于信息的自由交流。I believe he was an honourable man, dedicated to the people and his union.我认为他是个品行高洁的人,一心奉献于人民和工会的事业。The book is dedicated to his wife.此书是题献给他妻子的。There was one pool dedicated to adults who wanted to swim laps in peace.有一个泳池专供那些想不受打扰游完全程的成人使用。The book is dedicated to the author's husband.作者将此书献给自己的丈夫。The group is dedicated to the conservation of the environment.这个组织致力于环境保护。The bread and wine has been hallowed by being dedicated to God.面包和葡萄酒被作为圣物献给上帝。We are a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of ocean mammals.我们是一家致力于保护海洋哺乳动物的非营利性机构。The book is dedicated to his mother.这本书是献给他母亲的。The church is dedicated to St Mary of Bec.该教堂供奉的是贝克的圣玛丽。This book is dedicated to my teacher.谨以此书献给我的老师。This book is dedicated to the memory of my mother.谨以此书献给我已故的母亲。We are dedicated to providing a good service for our customers.我们致力于向客户提供优质服务。The first day was dedicated to revelling and intoxication.头一天就是尽情饮酒作乐。The Woodland Trust is dedicated to preserving our native woodland.林区信托基金机构致力于保护我们的天然林区。The book is dedicated to her husband and children.这本书献给她的丈夫和孩子们。He is a dedicated teacher. = He is dedicated to the teaching profession.他是一位非常敬业的教师。The monument is dedicated to the memory of the people's heroes.这座纪念碑是为纪念人民英雄而建造的。It's a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to preserving our national parks.这是一个致力于保护我们国家公园的非营利、无党派组织。The memorial is dedicated to all the soldiers who died in the war.这座纪念碑的落成是为了纪念在那场战争中阵亡的所有将士。He's quite dedicated to his students.他一门心思都扑在学生身上。




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