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词汇 hills
例句 The cabin was tucked away in the woods behind the hills.小屋位于群山之后,环抱于林木之间,很清幽。Her eyes scanned the distant hills.她仔细眺望远处的小山。He joked that he was as old as the hills. 他开玩笑说自己是个老古董了。He's usually left at the post whenever we go out walking on the hills.每回我们上山去,他常常一开始就落在很后面。The town nestles comfortably among the hills.这个小镇悠然地坐落在群山中。This time the journey was short, a matter of four or five miles up into the hills.这次旅行很短,到达山区也就四五英里的路程。The sun sparkled the snow on the hills.山上的雪在阳光的照耀下闪闪发光。The fence would restrict public access to the hills.篱笆将会限制人们进山。The Marines went back to patrolling the hills.海军陆战队返回巡查这些小山。A bandit leader was on the loose in the surrounding hills.一个强盗头子逃到了附近的山上。The château is located in its own grounds, against a backdrop of green hills.庄园坐落在独立的土地上,背景是绿色的群山。They bulldozed a road through the hills.他们用推土机开出一条穿山隧道。They went to the hills to escape the summer heat.他们去了山中避暑。The castle is set in rolling hills to the north of Orvieto.城堡坐落在奥尔维耶托北面绵延起伏的山区里。He packed drinks, a map, and a compass - all the necessaries for a day's hike in the hills.他把饮料、地图和指南针——所有在乡间徒步一天的必需品都装在包里。The moon highlighted the shadowy forms of the hills.月光凸显了山峦影影绰绰的轮廓。The country, with its low, rolling hills was beautiful.这个地区山峦低矮起伏,景色秀丽。That night I camped in the hills.那天晚上我在山里宿营。From the house we can see the valley and the hills beyond.从这座房子我们可以看到山谷和远处的小山。He doubted there were any cannibal tribes living in the hills.他不相信山里住着食人部落。The train journey took us through a valley past rolling hills.我们乘坐火车沿一条山谷穿过绵延起伏的山峦。The hills were veiled/shrouded in a fine mist.群山笼罩在薄雾之中。The spring rain gullied the mountain hills.春雨在山坡上冲出了水沟。She watched the sun set behind the hills.她看着太阳落山。On hills, he must use low gears.在山上,他必须挂低速挡。The hills extend as far as the eye can see.极目所至,山丘绵延不断。The prairie is topped occasionally by low hills.偶尔可见大草原上隆起着几座低矮的小山。They grabbed their weapons and took to the hills.他们一把抄起武器进了山。Enemy forces are building up in the hills.敌人正在山区集结兵力。Energetic types can be out before breakfast and yomp about the hills until 10 a.m.精力充沛的士兵能在早饭前就出发,负重行军跋涉于山间直到十点钟。Somerset is famous for its rolling hills and beautiful countryside.萨默塞特以平缓的山丘和美丽的乡村著名。To the south the hills dropped away to farmland.山势向南一路下倾延伸至农田。Ellen spent the day in the hills and sought me out when she returned.埃伦在山里呆了一整天,并于回来后找到了我。The hills above the valley are bare rock.山谷上面的小山都是光秃秃的不毛之地。I felt such a sense of freedom, up in the hills alone.独自一人呆在山上,我感到非常自在。A man was found wandering in the hills.有人发现一名男子在山上游荡。The hills rise green and sheer above the broad river.这些小山碧绿陡峭,矗立在这条宽阔的河流之上。The river cuts a long straight furrow between the hills.那河在山间冲刷出一条又长又直的沟壑。We headed for the hills and learnt how to herringbone up them and swoosh down them.我们出发前往小山,并学会了如何用倒八字形爬上去,再嗖的一下冲下来。The soil washed from the hills is silting up the hydroelectric dams.从山上冲下来的泥土快要将水电站大坝堵塞了。




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