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I think I can finish this project before the month's out.我觉得我在这个月结束之前能完成这个项目。There are a number of other points to be discussed before we finish.我们结束之前还有一些其他要点要讨论。I guess we're stuck with each other for the duration (of the journey).我想(旅程结束之前)这段时间我们两个要一直呆在一起。The chairman may be asked to resign before his four-year term is up.主席四年任期结束之前,可能会被要求辞职。They told us to keep a lid on the report until the campaign was over.他们告诉我们竞选结束之前遮盖住那份报告。Don't rock the boat until the negotiations are finished.在谈判结束之前不要惹是生非。We'll be operating with a skeleton staff until after the holidays.我们在假期结束之前都将依靠基本员工来进行运作。It would be premature to accuse anyone until the investigation is complete.调查结束之前谴责任何人都为时过早。She is hesitant to draw conclusions until the study is over.她不愿在研究结束之前下结论。 |