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词汇 结束
例句 I'm going to relax now the school year is over.学年结束了,因此我想放松一下。The demonstration ended peacefully.这次示威以和平的方式结束The biotech corporations argue that genetically modified crops will put an end to food shortages in the developing world.生物工程公司辩称,转基因作物将会结束发展中国家粮食短缺的状况。They were beginning to feel a little easier about the ending of their relationship.他们开始能稍微平静地对待这段恋情的结束了。She was at rock bottom. Her long-term love affair was breaking up and so was she.她整个人跌至了谷底。她漫长的爱情要告结束了,她也要崩溃了。This war will end eventually, and when that day comes, we will all be profoundly thankful.这场战争终将结束,当那一天来临,我们大家都会深感庆幸。The goalkeeper was stretchered off just before half-time with a rib injury.就在半场结束前,守门员因肋骨受伤而被人用担架抬下球场。He still hopes to return from exile one day.他仍希望有一天可以结束流亡回国。The matter concluded without too much fuss.事情没费太大的周折就结束了。The meeting ended on reasonably amicable terms.会议在较为友好的气氛中结束了。At the conclusion of the interview she shook my hand.在采访结束的时候,她同我握手。At eleven the conference closed.十一时大会结束I'm through with him.我和他结束了。I couldn't wait to return from my travels.我迫不及待地想结束旅程赶回家里。The talks didn't break up until after midnight.会谈午夜后才结束After each training programme everyone has a follow-up interview with their manager.每次培训课程结束后,每个人都要跟经理作一次跟进的面谈。After such a tough campaign, they're gloating over their victory in the election.激烈的竞选活动结束后,他们为选举的胜利洋洋自得。After the trial, people questioned the impartiality of the jury.审判结束后,人们对陪审团的公正性提出了质疑。He was left with a feeling of flatness when it was all over.一切都结束之后,他感到兴味索然。The tournament reaches its conclusion today.锦标赛今天结束I think you should put the poor creature out of its misery.我想你应该杀了这个可怜的东西,结束它的痛苦。A huge chunk of the audience got up and left before the end of the show.演出还没结束,一大批观众就站起来离场了。She tended to finish dancing with a flourish.她往往以夸张的姿势结束舞蹈。They knitted up the debate briefly.他们匆匆结束了辩论。The power of the British Empire began to set after World War I.第一次世界大战结束后,大英帝国的势力开始衰落。The end of one's useful professional life is hard to accept.一个人有所作为的职业生涯一旦结束,是很难以接受的。The meeting will conclude with the National Anthem.会议将以国歌结束They're finished as a couple, though they say they'll stay friends.尽管说要继续做朋友,但作为夫妻,他们结束了。She stuck the job out for the remainder of the summer.她坚持做这个工作,直到夏天结束The strike has finally reached its conclusion. 罢工终于结束了。The beauty queens showboated around the stage at the end of the show.选美皇后们在选美会结束前绕舞台一圈卖弄一番。The markets ended the week on a quiet note.全球股市波澜不惊地结束了一周的交易。We can move in as soon as building work is finished.建筑施工一结束我们就可以搬进去。A week of good rains has broken the drought.一周的及时雨结束了旱灾。At the end of the lecture, I was ready with questions.讲座结束的时候,我有一些问题要问。The Red Sox victory ended a six-game skid.红袜队的这次胜利结束了连续六场的低迷。We allowed ourselves to entertain hopes that the crisis would end soon.我们希望危机能很快结束The meeting ended in an acrimonious dispute.会议在激烈的辩论中结束The treaty is the latest attempt to resolve the ten-year conflagration.这个条约是为了结束十年战火的最新尝试。His debate with them lasted until the grave, and beyond.他同他们的争论到死还没结束




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