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词汇 hike
例句 They inveighed against the government's policy to initiate a pay hike for civil servants.他们猛烈地攻击政府为公务员加薪的政策。That hike really pooped me out.那次远足真把我累坏了。We encourage you to hike the trail at your own pace. 我们鼓励大家以适宜自己的速度徒步走这条小径。There has been a lot of silly hand-wringing over the latest hike in interest rates.最近利率大幅上涨,很多人对此表示出缺乏理智的担忧。It's a long hike from my house to campus.从我家到学校要走很长一段路。They met on a hike.他们在一次远足中相遇。Do they hike a lot?他们经常远足吗?The storm made our hike a real adventure.暴风雨使得我们的徒步旅行成了一次真正令人难忘的经历。My throat is dry after that hike.远足后我喉咙干渴。The president has proposed a hike in the minimum wage.总统建议大幅度提升最低工资。The hike back was through the first real jungle I had ever been in.回来时,我第一次徒步穿越了真正的丛林。His dream is to hike the Appalachian Trail.他的梦想是在阿帕拉契亚山道上徒步旅行。They had an eighty-mile journey and decided to hitch-hike.他们的旅途有八十英里,所以决定搭便车。Their opening gambit in the negotiations was to demand a wage hike.他们在谈判中的第一招就是要求加薪。We carried a week's worth of food on the hike.远足时我们带了足够一星期吃的食物。We got (ourselves) togged up in walking gear for the hike.为了这次徒步旅行,我们穿上了步行装。You could hike through the Fish River Canyon.你可以徒步穿越鱼河峡谷。He began a non-stop hike up and down the corridors of the hospital.他在医院的走廊里不停地来回走动。They selected the old mill as the start of the hike.他们以那座旧磨坊为徒步旅行的出发点。The second half of the hike is mostly downhill.徒步旅行的后半段大多是下坡。He went for a hike in the woods.他在森林里徒步旅行。Opponents argued the sales-tax hike was unfair.反对者认为提高销售税是不公平的。The government announced a 300 per cent hike in bread prices.政府宣布面包涨价三倍。It's a long hike, but we'll get there if we just keep putting one foot in front of the other. 这是一次远足,但只要我们坚持前行就能到达终点。They were not prepared to hike over such treacherous terrain.在如此危险的地带徒步旅行,他们并没有做好准备。We were all done in after the long hike.长途徒步旅行后,我们都累垮了。The school lost a number of students after the tuition hike.学校突然提高学费,许多学生不来了。We started our hike with compass and map in hand.我们带着指南针和地图,开始了远足。The reporter queried several citizens about the tax hike.记者就税额大幅增加的问题询问了几位市民。The boys have gone on a hike with the Scouts.男孩们随童子军徒步旅行去了。We went for a hike around the lake.我们绕湖长距离行走。A similar system for providing legal services would require yet another huge hike in taxes.成立一个类似的法律服务体系需要再次大幅增税。The snow made their hike all the more treacherous.雪使得他们的徒步旅行更危险了。That hike wore me out. I'm bushed. 那次远足把我累得筋疲力尽,我现在还疲惫不堪。We packed only the bare essentials for the hike. 我们只装了远足所需的基本用品。You need to be very fit to hike the Inca Trail.徒步印加古道必须具备强壮的体魄。We plan to hike the Samaria Gorge.我们计划去撒马利亚峡谷远足。The friendly glow of the fire was welcome after our hike through the snowy mountains.徒步穿过雪山之后,令人愉快的火光让我们感到舒服。They like to hike through wide open spaces.他们喜欢徒步旅行穿越开阔的地方。The long hike tired the younger children.长时间的徒步旅行让小孩子们感到累了。




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