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词汇 society
例句 She's a member of the local drama society.她是当地剧社的成员。The government has created an underclass who do not feel they have any rights in society.这届政府造成了一个下层社会,他们感觉不到在社会中有任何权利。This ban is a sad reflection of an intolerant society.这项禁令悲哀地反映了社会的偏狭。The society decided on a lecture series and appointed a committee to determine the speakers, the dates, etc.学会决定举办系列讲座,并委派一个委员会具体择定讲员、日期等。These problems threaten the very foundations of modern society.这些问题威胁到现代社会的根本基础。The functionalist model of industrial society was subjected to conceptual criticism.工业社会的实用主义模型在概念上遭到了批判。They want to turn society upside down.他们想要彻底改变社会。The society was looking for a capable research worker.该协会在物色一位有能力的研究人员。His job gave him an acquaintance with an unusually broad spectrum of society.他的工作让他接触了异常广阔的社会层面。The increasing use of narcotics is a cancer in modern American society.服用麻醉毒品的人越来越多,这是当代美国社会的一大弊端。She left the Church because of its misogynist teachings on women and their position in society.她离开教会是因为它那套敌视女性并贬低女性社会地位的说教。They are often stigmatized by the rest of society as lazy and dirty.他们经常被社会中的其他人污蔑为懒惰、肮脏。In a society where water was precious, it had to be shared fairly between individuals.在一个水资源宝贵的社会,用水必须在个人间公平分配。The building society's growth in business was due to carpetbaggers, who opened savings accounts.建房互助会的业务增长是因为投机客开立了储蓄账户。This catch phrase stands as an epitaph for the society that gave birth to this scandal.这句流行语给出现这条丑闻的社会下了定论。What is so impressive about their society is the efficiency of the public services.他们的社会给人留下最深刻印象的是其高效率的公共服务。Building society repossessions have frightened buyers off.建屋互助协会收回未偿清房贷的住房,这吓退了很多买家。She was the queen of society then.那时她是社交界之后。Great benefits accrue to society as a result of education.教育的结果社会得益无穷。It's nonsense to say that the protesters pose any threat to democratic society.说抗议者对民主社会构成威胁简直是无稽之谈。Women are questioning their traditional role in society, as wives and mothers.妇女正对她们在社会中扮演的妻子和母亲的传统角色提出疑问。His wealth gave him the entrée into upper-class society.他的财富使他得以进入上层社会。He argued that equal marriage legislation would create a more tolerant society.他的观点是婚姻平权立法将帮助建立一个更加包容的社会。He considered himself to be a pillar of society.他把自己看作是社会的栋梁。The essay discusses the role that television plays in modern society. 这篇论文探讨了电视在现代社会中的作用。No one knows when the social volcano below modern society will erupt.谁也不知道埋在现代社会下的社会火山何时爆发。Class differences still play an important role in society.阶级差别在社会中仍然起着重要的作用。Within a free enterprise capitalist society, resources are very unevenly distributed.在自由企业式的资本主义社会里,资源分配极不均衡。We need everyone's help in creating a better society.我们需要大家齐心协力建设一个更加美好的社会。She has joined the film society.她加入了电影协会。Careful spending has gone out of fashion in our consumer society.在我们这个消费社会精打细算已经过时了。The unity of our society is threatened by troublesome and restless minorities.我们社会的团结遭到了一小撮滋扰生事、不安分守己的群体的威胁。Automation, commercial television, and instant foods have made America into a homogenized society.自动化、商业化电视和方便食品已使美国成为一个由多样向单一发展的社会。So have we become a self-centred society, preoccupied with materialism?我们的社会已变成一个以自我为中心、实利主义盛行的社会了吗?The high crime rate is a reflection of the violence of our society.高犯罪率反映出我们这个社会的暴戾。There are still a lot of inequalities in society.社会上仍然存在着许多不平等的现象。The man's lunatic behavior is a menace to society.那个人的疯狂行为构成对社会的威胁。I do not give a fig what society thinks.我一点儿也不在乎社会怎么想。Health standards have risen in society at large.社会整体的健康水平已经提高。She devoted herself to helping the outcasts of society.她致力于帮助那些被社会抛弃的人。




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