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词汇 a quarter of
例句 The company is planning to shed about a quarter of its workforce.这家公司正计划裁减四分之一的人员。Within a quarter of an hour the coldness of the night had gone.一刻钟的时间内,夜晚的寒冷便退去了。Squeeze a quarter of a lemon over the fish.往鱼上挤四分之一个柠檬的汁液。We've hardly covered a quarter of the course.这门课程我们连四分之一都没完成。The troops were severely mauled and lost a quarter of their strength before evacuating the island.在从岛上撤离之前,军队遭遇重创,丧失了四分之一的军力。For a quarter of an hour, the information washed over her.大约有一刻钟的样子,她得到消息后没有任何反应。The battle cost the army about a quarter of its strength.这次战役使军队损失了约四分之一的兵力。I waited a quarter of an hour and then went home.我等了一刻钟然后就回家了。Catholics make up over a quarter of the total electorate.天主教徒超过选民总人数的四分之一。In manufacturing alone, smaller firms account for one in three jobs and a quarter of the total output.仅仅在制造业,小型公司就占了就业总人数的三分之一以及总产量的四分之一。I've got to go in a quarter of an hour.一刻钟以后我就得走了。Not more than a quarter of your income should go in rent.你的收入用于房租不应超过四分之一。He acquired a quarter of the shares sold and reoffered them to Canadian buyers.他取得了售出股票的¼,然后再重新开价出售给加拿大几家买主。Catering may now account for close on a quarter of pub turnover.现在承办酒席可能占酒店营业额的接近四分之一。The sound of shots came from the direction of the compound, a quarter of a mile away.射击声从离这儿四分之一英里远的大院那边传来。They were forced to kick their heels for nearly a quarter of an hour.他们被迫白等了一刻钟左右。Class participation is a quarter of your final grade.上课出席率占你们期末成绩的四分之一。The surgeon cut a thin flap about a quarter of the way into the cornea.外科医生切开了四分之一厚度的角膜薄片。The opposition has so few candidates that a quarter of the seats will be uncontested.反对派的候选人非常少,所以有四分之一的席位不存在争议。At a rough estimate, staff are recycling less than a quarter of the paper we buy.粗略估计,员工循环使用的纸张不足我们所购的四分之一。Roughly a quarter of the area came under Soviet control.该地区约有四分之一的地方受苏联管辖。The company plans to cut a quarter of its workforce over six years through natural attrition and fewer hirings.公司计划在六年内通过自然减员和减少招聘把职工总数减少四分之一。Car accident victims make up almost a quarter of the hospital's patients.车祸受伤者几乎占了医院病人的四分之一。Malbec, a red-wine varietal, represents a quarter of Argentina's wine exports.马尔贝克,一种红葡萄酒,占阿根廷葡萄酒出口量的四分之一。This figure approximates to a quarter of the UK's annual consumption.这个数字接近英国年消耗量的四分之一。Only a quarter of registered voters actually voted in the election.登记选民中实际上只有四分之一参加了投票选举。About a quarter of the drugs in prescription medicines today are derived from plants.现在的处方药中,有四分之一左右是从植物中提取的。At least a quarter of his spare money goes on books.他的余款至少有四分之一花在书上。There was a lake a quarter of a mile upwind of the camp.离营地上风向四分之一英里处有个湖。




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