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词汇 racket
例句 They're making a terrible racket.他们正在大吵大闹。Do you kids have to make such a terrible racket?你们这些孩子非得这样大吵大闹不可吗?McEnroe received a warning for racket abuse in the second set.第二盘时,麦肯罗因发脾气乱摔球拍而受到警告。He makes such a racket I'm afraid he disturbs the neighbours.他如此大声喧闹,我怕他打扰了邻居。A furious player kicked his racket into the grandstand.一位愤怒的球员将他的球拍踢向了看台。A smuggling racket is killing thousands of exotic birds each year.走私活动每年都会导致数千只珍奇鸟类死亡。The FBI believe they have found the real criminals behind a big gambling racket.联邦调查局相信他们已找到了经营一个大型非法赌博集团的真正罪犯。What an ungodly racket they're making!他们真是吵翻天了!Fashion is a racket to sell clothes.流行服饰是推销服装的一种鬼把戏。The young men in the next room made such a racket last night.昨天夜里隔壁房间的那些年轻人大吵大嚷。The tennis racket is strung with the finest gut.这网球拍的弦用的是最好的羊肠线。I don't like the tension on this tennis racket.我不喜欢这把网球拍的网张力。Stop making that infernal racket!别死命嚷嚷了!He smashed his racket into the clay.他把球拍摔到红土场地上。Stop that infernal racket!别吵了,烦死了!She firmed her grip on the racket.她握紧了球拍。Suspicious fans exposed the racket and police arrested a man in Nottingham.起了疑心的爱好者揭发了这一勾当,警察在诺丁汉逮捕了一名男子。Mary's out on the racket as usual.玛丽像往常一样外出寻乐去了。The Mafia runs a highly sophisticated drugs racket.黑手党极为老练地贩卖毒品。Stop making such a racket!别再吵吵嚷嚷了!Acting has got to be a tough racket to succeed in.表演是一项很难成功的职业。I heard a racket coming from upstairs.我听见楼上传来吵闹声。You're welcome to borrow my tennis racket, such as it is.你可以借我的网球拍,虽说它不怎么好。He was known for running a brutal extortion racket.他因干过一起残忍的敲诈勒索而出名。Phone chat lines are a real racket.电话聊天热线纯属暴利行当。Note how she is holding her racket.注意她是怎么握拍的。The racket of drills and electric saws went on past midnight.钻孔机和电锯的噪声过了半夜还继续响着。The editorial says duty free is a racket and should be abolished.社评说免税是个骗局,理应废除。Why don't we go to a restaurant? Bill will stand the racket.我们何不上餐馆去?比尔会付帐。The gang operated an illegal immigration racket.这伙人从事非法移民勾当。Clasp the racket like so.像这样紧握球拍。He's getting too old to stand the racket.他年迈了,已经受不起折腾。My neighbours are making an unholy racket.我的邻居们吵闹得厉害。The two sailors are caught up in a diamond-smuggling racket.两名海员因走私钻石被捕。I bought her a new tennis racket.我给她买了一支新的网球拍。The tennis racket is designed to be forgiving. 这种网球拍设计得容许击球略有偏差。He had to shout over the racket.他不得不大声喊叫以盖过噪声。She showed him the correct way to hold the racket.她给他示范了正确的握拍方法。He ran a protection racket which demanded thousands from local businesses.他从事收取保护费的勾当,从当地企业勒索了成千上万的钱财。It's impossible to work with that racket going on.这么吵,根本不可能工作。




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