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词汇 rack
例句 The country's going to rack and ruin.这个国家正在走下坡路。She flicked through the clothes on the rack, looking for something suitable.她飞快地翻看架子上的衣服,想找件合适的。Turn the cake the right way up on to a wire rack把蛋糕翻到合适的方向对准金属丝架上。He mounted a rack on the roof of his car.他在汽车顶上安装了一个置物架。He wears expensive but off the rack shoes.他穿的鞋子虽是现买的,价格却非常昂贵。Carefully lift the cake off the tray and cool on a wire rack.把蛋糕小心地从托盘上拿起,放到金属架上冷却。They had their opponents on the rack in the first half.上半场他们让对手备受折磨。The interviewer put me on the rack and asked some really tough questions.面试官让我备受煎熬,问了些确实很难的问题。Lower rates mean that firms are more likely to rack up profits in the coming months.低利率意味着各公司在接下来的几个月里更有可能获利丰厚。The old house has gone to rack and ruin. 这所老房子已经破烂不堪了。He bought that suit off the rack. 他买了那套成衣。For our clothes, we went to a shop on Hollywood Boulevard, and we just picked it all off the rack.至于衣服,我们到好莱坞大道上的一家商店里,都是直接挑现成的买。The house has gone to rack and ruin since my wife left me.我妻子出走后家里就弄得不成样子了。Leave the dishes to dry on the rack.盘子放在碗架上沥干。He lay there groaning like a prisoner stretched out on the rack.他躺在那里呻吟,就像一个囚犯被绑在肢刑架上。The attachments that connect the rack to the car are rusted and should be replaced.连接千斤顶与汽车的固位装置生锈了,应该换一个。She stowed her luggage on the rack above her head and then sat down.她把行李放在头顶上方的行李架上,然后坐了下来。She began to rack her brains to remember what had happened at the nursing home.她开始绞尽脑汁地回忆在疗养院发生的事。Thousands of people were tortured on the rack.数千人受过拉肢刑架的酷刑。I wanted to rack up as many points as possible.我想尽可能多地攒积分。He replaced the CD in the rack.他把光盘又放回到架子里。Their tenants had let the property go to rack and ruin.房客把他们的房子搞得破败不堪。The company is now well and truly on the rack.公司现在真的是危机重重。He's let his father's old house go to rack and ruin.他把父亲的旧居弃之不管,由它破败。We mounted the canoe onto the car's roof rack.我们把独木舟安放在小汽车的车顶行李架上。He slotted the magazines neatly into the rack.他把杂志整齐地插到架子上。A lot of designer clothes are now available off the rack.现在很多名师设计的衣服都有成品卖了。Gloria slid an appraising eye over the rest of the rack before reaching for the dress.格洛丽亚以审视的眼光向货架上其余的衣服扫了一遍,才伸手去拿那件连衣裙。That is why we are on the rack.那就是我们痛苦的原因所在。Many trees were twisted by the rack of the storms.很多树被风暴摧折。Place the pie on the middle rack in the oven.把馅饼放在烤箱中层的烤架上。During the store's sales, the clothes were flying off the rack. 商店甩卖期间,各式各样的衣服都被一抢而空。The moment my back is turned everything goes to rack and manger.我一转身,一切便都弄糟了。I took the key for the room off a rack above her head.我从她头上方的架子上拿走了房门钥匙。The interviewer's questions put Blair on the rack.采访人提出的问题使布莱尔十分尴尬。Invert the cake onto a cooling rack.把蛋糕倒扣在冷却架上。Spread the flowers out to dry on a rack.把花铺在架子上晾干。The house had been left to go to rack and ruin.房子已无人看管,日渐破败。It seems that the government is prepared to let all our hospitals and schools go to rack and ruin.看来政府打算让我们所有的医院和学校都倾颓破败。The rack sticks to the inside of the door with double-sided tape.挂架用双面胶带粘在门的内面。




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