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词汇 high life
例句 They were enjoying the high life in the smartest hotels of New York.他们正在纽约最高级的宾馆里享受着灯红酒绿的生活。She accused him of ruining her financially with his taste for the high life.她指责他为了追求奢华的生活致使她倾家荡产。We're all stuck here, while he's off living the high life in New York.我们都困在这里,他却远在纽约过着奢华的生活。Japanese people have a very high life expectancy.日本人的预期寿命非常长。You've been living the high life recently, haven't you! You're always going out to clubs and fancy restaurants.你最近过得很豪华啊!出入的都是俱乐部和高级餐厅。For several years they lived the high life with Hollywood stars and celebrities.他们过了好几年优裕的生活,往来的都是好莱坞的明星和名流。Most large cities are good for business and high life, but not for families on holiday.多数大城市是做生意和吃喝玩乐的好去处,但不适合家庭度假。The Beatles managed to combine living the high life with making great music.披头士乐队既创作出了伟大的音乐,同时也过上了豪华奢侈的生活。




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