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词汇 April
例句 Every April the first he would play a different joke on us.每年四月一号他都会对我们搞不同的恶作剧。She'll be nine in April.她到四月份就九岁了。I'll see you on the sixteenth of April.咱们四月十六日见。April showers bring May flowers. 四月的阵雨让花儿在五月盛开。The baby's due in April.孩子将在四月出生。There is a notation of three appointments on his personal calendar for April 5.他的个人日程表上记著四月五日有三个约会。The wedding is planned for next April.婚礼计划明年四月举行。Unfortunately the tax will linger on until April.不幸的是,这种税还要保留到四月份。April's sales figures were a freak.四月份的销售额一反常态。Fares come down for the September-October and April-May shoulder periods.在九至十月份和四至五月份的两个峰肩期内,飞机票价都要下跌。The children have a week off from school every April.学校的孩子们每年四月都有一个星期的假期。How many hours did the plane log in the sky between April 30 and May 15?这架飞机于四月三十日至五月十五日期间在空中飞行了多少小时? The bill was passed by Parliament in April.该议案四月由议会通过。The company expects to complete work in April.公司预期在四月份完工。Each female will lay just one egg in April or May.每个雌体四五月份只产一粒卵。April is tax season.四月是报税时节。By the end of April, most trees are in leaf. 到四月末,树木大多都已长出新叶。April had a fight with her boyfriend and doesn't want to come out of her room.阿普丽尔和男朋友大吵了一架,躲在房间里不想出来。We started work in April or whenever.我们是在四月或别的什么时候开始工作的。Your deposit matures on April 3rd.你的存款四月三日到期。He will finish his internship in April.他将在四月份结束实习期。The restaurant will reopen in April.这家餐馆将于四月重新开张。Construction that began in late April stretched into June.工程从四月底延续至六月。The regulations come up for review in April.四月份要对规章制度进行审核。Last year, the rains came on time in April.去年,雨季在四月份准时到来。The wedding ceremony was held on April fifteenth.婚礼在四月十五日举行。The tax year begins in April.纳税年度从四月开始。Millions of wild flowers colour the valleys, especially in April and May.尤其是在四五月份,不计其数的野花盛开,山谷里一片绚烂色彩。The United States did not enter the war until April 19, 1917.美国直到一九一七年四月十九日才参战。The climbers completed their ascent to the mountain on a rainy morning in April.登山者在四月一个雨天的早晨登上了那座山。




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