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词汇 财产
例句 He transferred the legal ownership of his property to his children.他将自己财产的法定所有权转给了子女。He was attracted by her fortune, not her person.吸引他的不是她的人品,而是她的财产Mr Carr had been the engineer of the company's fortunes.卡尔先生曾是公司财产的负责人。He signed away his share of the property.他签字转让了自己的那份财产All her property goes to her next of kin.她的财产全部归她最近的亲属所有。She was charged with obtaining property by deception.她被控诈骗财产He cheated the elderly couple out of their property.他骗取了那老两口的财产He admitted conspiring to obtain property by deception.他承认曾密谋诈骗财产Divorce settlements often involve property that can't be split up easily.离婚问题的解决常常涉及不易分割的财产The family plans to sell some of the property off.这家人计划低价出售部分财产The property was eventually parceled off and sold in pieces.财产最终被分成几部分售出。They are making free with your property.他们在随意处置你的财产They should adopt a more imaginative approach and investigate alternative uses for their property.他们应当采取更有想象力的方法来探寻他们财产的另外用途。Property is passed down through the matriarchal line.财产通过母系亲属传下来。Their property was sequestered.他们的财产被扣押了。The estate is owned by a wealthy dowager.财产归一位上年纪的富太太拥有。Some shopkeepers closed early to prevent the wholesale destruction of their property by the hooligans.有些店主为了防止那些街头恶棍大肆破坏他们的财产而早早关门。My impulse is to sell up and go away.我一时冲动,想变卖财产,然后走人。Slaves were traditionally viewed as their masters' property.奴隶过去长期被视为奴隶主的财产Her grasping children fought over her property when she died.她死后,贪婪的子女展开了财产争夺大战。She faces charges of helping to plunder her country's treasury of billions of dollars.她面临协助侵吞数十亿美元国家财产的指控。He left the major part of his £60 million fortune to his close friend and companion, Jerry Edwards.他把六千万英镑的财产大部分留给了他的密友和伙伴杰里·爱德华兹。At his death his property was shared between his children.死后他的财产分给了子女。He maintains a vigilant watch over his property.他时刻警惕地关注着自己的财产As it was an unsecured loan, their property was not at risk.因为是无抵押贷款,他们的财产没有风险。Her wealth went to her son.她的财产留给了儿子。The sports car was her proudest possession.那辆跑车是她最引以为傲的财产This small house is my only property.这所小房子是我的唯一财产The Chief Executive started her career as a secretary, and now she's worth millions.这位总裁以当秘书起家,现在她已拥有百万财产了。He gave half his fortune away.他把自己的一半财产赠送给别人了。You could also set up a trust so the children can't spend any inheritance until they are a certain age…你也可以设立财产信托,这样孩子们只有达到一定年龄才能动用遗产。The property is part of the deceased's estate.财产是死者的部分遗产。He bewailed his misfortune and the loss of his most treasured possessions.他为自己遭受的不幸和失去大部分珍贵的财产而悲伤不已。The following is a description of how said property is divided.以下是关于上述财产如何分割的说明。James was overdrawn and mortgaged to the hilt.詹姆斯的账户透支了,他把财产都抵押了。He has multiplied his fortune many times.他已经使自己的财产增加了数倍。Their car was taken/repossessed by the repo man. 他们的汽车被财产收回员收回了。The property was divided equally among the four survivors. 财产在四个幸存者中均分。Most of his wealth is in the form of stocks. 他的财产大部分都是股票形式。Rich widows became the great game of fortune hunters.有钱的寡妇们成了财产追逐者的主要目标。




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