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词汇 headlines
例句 The headlines are often cramped into a single column.标题往往限排在一栏内。They tried to win headlines with cheap displays of nudity.他们企图靠低俗的裸体展示来赢得媒体关注。Her political career has been caricatured in headlines.她的政治生涯在头条新闻中遭到夸张嘲讽。The story made headlines all across the country.这则报道成了全国的头版头条新闻。The bizarre court case was shown on TV and made headlines around the world.这桩奇怪的案子在电视上播出,成了世界各地的头条新闻。She has grabbed/hit/made the headlines by making public accusations of corruption within the government.她因公开指责政府的腐败行为而成为媒体关注的焦点。The civil war in Mozambique made few headlines around the globe.莫桑比克内战在世界上不是头条新闻。Here are the news headlines.以下是内容提要。It made the headlines in the national newspapers.这事成了全国性报纸的头版新闻。A series of horrific killings have made headlines across the nation.一连串的凶杀案成为了全国各大报纸的头条新闻。For years, the couple's tempestuous relationship made the headlines.有好几年,那对夫妻跌宕起伏的关系总是登上报纸头条。I am never going back to prison. I am going to make national news headlines and go out in a blaze of glory.我决不要再进监狱。我要登上全国新闻头条,轰轰烈烈地结束人生。The story has been hogging the headlines for weeks.这一事件几周来一直是头条新闻。The former MP found himself back in the headlines again.那位前议员发现自己再次登上报纸的头条。Many young men made headlines with riots.许多青年参加骚乱一事成了报纸的重要新闻。News of their divorce made the headlines.他们离婚的消息成了头条新闻。The articles are noticeably shorter with strong headlines and graphics.这些文章明显短了许多,并且配上了醒目的标题和图表。The new road plan is in the headlines again.新公路计划又一次成了头版重要新闻。In sport, it's usually men who grab the headlines.在体育方面,新闻人物通常是男性。Let's just hear the news headlines.咱们听听新闻提要吧。The story was seized on by the tabloid press, who printed it under huge headlines.那件事被小报揪住不放,并用大字标题刊载。The president went home leaving in his wake a string of laudatory headlines and editorials.总统回国去了,报上随后登出了一连串赞美的大标题和社论。He made/grabbed headlines with his recent antismoking campaign.他因最近掀起了反吸烟运动登上了报纸的头条。The incident had pitched him into the national headlines.该事件使他意外地成了全国的头条新闻人物。I'm Claudia Polley with the news headlines.我是克劳迪娅·波利,下面是新闻提要。The presenter read the news headlines.主持人读出新闻摘要。He hit the headlines when he punched a protester.他因为拳打一位抗议者而上了报纸的头条。The hospital hit the headlines when a number of suspicious deaths occurred.由于发生了几起蹊跷的死亡事件,这家医院上了报纸的头条新闻。The newspaper's headlines trivialized the war, making it seem like a game.报纸头条新闻对这场战争轻描淡写,仿佛那是一场游戏。He made headlines and received hysterical hate mail.他成了新闻人物,收到了疯狂的攻击性邮件。The news of his death was splashed in headlines across all the newspapers.所有报纸均以显着的标题刊登了他死亡的消息。Journalists don't usually write the headlines for their stories.新闻记者一般不为自己的报道写标题。In her mind's eye, she could see the headlines in the newspapers.她能想象得到那些报纸上的大标题。The political negotiations capture headlines.这几次政治谈判成了报纸的头条新闻。The articles are noticeably shorter with strong headlines and graphics.文章配有醒目的标题和图表,明显短了许多。I just have time to glance at the headlines before I leave for work.我出门上班之前只来得及看一些新闻标题。The claim appeared in banner headlines in all Baghdad newspapers yesterday.这一声明以通栏大标题的形式出现在昨天巴格达所有的报纸上。I just cast a glance at the headlines.我只是看了看标题。Surprising developments have kept the murder investigation in the headlines for several weeks.令人吃惊的进展使得这起谋杀的相关调查连续几周成为重要新闻。The news headlines are broadcast on the half hour.新闻提要每到半小时正时作一次广播。




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