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词汇 haze
例句 A foul haze of pollution hung over the city.城市上空悬浮着一层污染形成的肮脏烟雾。The afternoon lagged by in a slow haze of heat.下午在炎热中慢慢过去了。The sun smouldered through a thin summer haze.太阳透过夏日的薄雾散发着苍白无力的光。The sky was pearly with the morning haze.天空因有晨雾而呈珠灰色。The smoke haze overcast the distant mountain.烟雾遮蔽了远山。There was an early-morning haze across the valley.山谷里弥漫着晨雾。When the heat haze lifted, the island could be seen clearly.热雾消散后,岛屿就会清晰可见。In the evenings a blue haze hung in the valleys.傍晚时分,山谷中悬浮着蓝色的雾霭。We drove across the desert, through the shimmering heat haze.我们驾车穿过沙漠,穿过涌动的热浪。He watched the world through a haze of tobacco smoke.他透过缭绕的烟雾观察着世人。Meetings are always conducted in a haze of cigarette smoke.会议总是在吞云吐雾中进行。Dan smiled at him through a haze of smoke and steaming coffee.丹透过烟雾和咖啡的热气向他笑了笑。The haze thinned in the late afternoon.傍晚时分雾气变薄了。I saw her through a haze of cigarette smoke.我透过一片香烟的烟雾看见了她。A cloudy haze made the horizon indistinct.云雾使地平线变得影影绰绰。The sun now had a faint golden haze around it.此时太阳四周环绕着一层金色薄雾。Aurora felt the opium haze enfold her.奥罗拉感觉自己被笼罩在鸦片烟霾中。They vanished into the haze near the horizon.他们消失在地平线上的薄雾中。He squinted through the haze of smoke.他透过弥漫的烟雾眯着眼看。His mind was a haze of fear and confusion.他的心中交织着恐惧和困惑。I could hardly see her through a blue haze of smoke.一股蓝色的烟雾使我几乎看不见她。For a long time I lay in a warm, sleepy haze.我在一种暖洋洋的昏昏欲睡的状态中躺了好久。The city was meshed in the morning haze.晨雾笼罩着城市。The bar was filled with a smoky haze.酒吧里烟雾弥漫。The engine was throwing off so much heat that the air above it shimmered with haze.发动机散发出太多的热量,使它的上方雾蒙蒙的一片。A haze of expensive perfume hangs around her.高档香水的气雾弥漫在她周围。She sat by herself in a haze of nostalgic bliss.她独自坐在那儿,沉浸在一种怀旧的幸福之中。The slight haze presages another scorching day.薄雾预示又将是一个大热天。We sat drinking in a haze of cigarette smoke.我们坐在一片香烟烟雾中喝着酒。She focused on a shadowy silhouette in the haze.她慢慢将视线对准薄雾中一个模糊的轮廓。The road through the desert shimmered in the haze.穿越沙漠的道路透过雾气散发出微光。The fog/haze was thick this morning.今天早上的雾/霾很重。The locomotive was surrounded by a haze of smoke.火车头笼罩在一片烟雾中。The haze usually clears by lunchtime.一般到了中午时分雾霭就会散去。A heat haze shimmered above the fields.田野上方一层热气氤氲。Mist was rising, and trees and shrubs began to disappear in a milk-white haze.起雾了,树木和矮树丛开始消失在一片乳白色的岚霭之中。I felt a haze of tiredness come over my mind.我隐约感到一阵倦意。The smoky haze overcast the distant mountains.烟雾笼罩著远处的群山。A thick haze of acrid smoke hung in the air.空气中弥漫着刺鼻的浓烟。The mist had been replaced by a kind of haze that seemed to amplify the heat.薄雾散了,取而代之的是一种似乎更添酷热的烟霭。




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