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词汇 scholars
例句 He's one of the most important scholars in his field.他是其领域中最具权威的学者之一。There has been a lot of debate among scholars about this.学者之间对此一直争论纷纷。The library attracts thousands of scholars and researchers.那个图书馆吸引了成千上万的学者和研究人员。The conference will attract many leading scholars and educators.这次会议将吸引众多知名学者和教育家。Many scholars were annoyed by his injection of politics into academic discussions.他把政治引进学术讨论中,使很多学者感到恼火。She cites other scholars' work only insofar as it supports her own theories.她仅引用支持自己学说的其他学者的著作。Not all scholars are in agreement with her, however.然而,不是所有的学者都与她意见一致。He assembled a panel of scholars to advise him.他组织了一个学者小组为他出谋划策。After years of research, scholars have finally ascribed this anonymous play to Christopher Marlowe.经过多年研究,学者们终于认定这部佚名剧作出自克里斯托弗•马洛的手笔。They acknowledge past scholars for the important work they have done.他们对前辈所做的重要工作表示感谢。Aha! Here at last, the answer to the question that has baffled scholars through the centuries.啊哈!那个让学者们困惑了几个世纪的问题终于有了答案。The errors are numerous enough to put off serious scholars.错误之多足以使严谨的学者不堪卒读。The society's archives are a treasure trove for scholars.该协会的档案对学者来说真是个宝藏。They know scholars reject their legend, but they still cling to their belief.尽管知道学者们不相信他们的传说,他们还是坚持自己的信仰。There is dispute among scholars as to the source of the text. = The source of the text is a matter/subject of dispute among scholars.学者们对于文本的来源有争议。The exact relationship between the two languages is a matter of dispute among scholars.这两种语言之间的确切关系在学者中间存在争议。This would greatly enhance the value of the book as a resource for scholars.这将大大增强这本书可资学者参考利用的价值。The school has turned out some first-rate scholars.这所学校培养出了一些第一流的学者。The poem is usually attributed to Shakespeare, but some scholars doubt that he wrote it.这首诗通常被认为是莎士比亚所写,但有些学者对此表示怀疑。It is a matter for scholars to wrangle over.这是要学者们去争论的事。They went to the café at the corner, long a meeting place for scholars, newsmen and writers.他们去了街角那家咖啡馆,那儿一直是学者、报人和作家聚会的地方。His doctrines found acceptance among scholars.他的学说已为学者们所接受。The attribution of the poem to Shakespeare is questioned by some scholars.一些学者质疑这首诗是莎士比亚所写。In their paper, they acknowledge the important work done by past scholars.他们在论文中对前辈所做的重要工作表示感谢。Chronicles written by Roman scholars can give us a good idea of how their political system worked.罗马学者撰写的编年史能使我们彻底了解他们的政治制度是如何运作的。He was one of the world's foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture.他是世界上最杰出的古印第安文化研究者之一。These ancient scholars were steeped in poetry and painting, as well as maths and astronomy.这些古代学者精通诗歌和绘画,同时对数学和天文学也深有研究。The meaning of the text has been the subject of considerable/intense/lively debate among scholars for many years.这一文本的含义已经成为学者们多年来广泛/激烈/热烈争论的话题。Our scholars and leaders and common people must have vectored minds if we are to prevail.要取得成功,我们的学者、领导人和普通百姓一定得转变思想。




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