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I have no choice but to offer an apology for denigrating your reputation.我必须为玷辱你的名誉而道歉。If that happened, the market would have no choice but to stop further supplies.如果那种情况发生的话,市场别无选择,只能暂停更多的供应。He will have no choice but to ally himself with the new movement.他除了与新运动结盟别无选择。Teachers have no choice but to take measures to protect themselves.教师们别无选择,只能采取措施来保护自己。If we truly believe in justice, then we have no choice but to vote against this bill.如果我们真的相信正义,那么我们就投票反对这个议案,除此之外别无选择。We have no choice but to conquer.我们别无选择,只有获胜。We have no choice but to place our faith in the legal system. 我们别无选择,只能相信法律制度。We have no choice but to intensify the strike campaign.我们除了加强罢工行动别无选择。 |