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词汇 titles
例句 The university press publishes academic titles.这家大学出版公司出版学术类图书。We thought of all these titles but they were all too flowery and pretentious.这些题目我们都想过,但都太花哨、太矫饰。We were served up with a list of titles that best matched what we were looking for.我们得到了一份符合我们寻找要求的标题清单。She contested eight of the eleven titles.十一个冠军头衔中她参与了其中八个的竞争。Lawsuits about titles to land often drag on for years without settlement.涉及土地所有权的官司常常会拖好几年还得不到解决。He was stripped of all his titles.他所有的头衔都被剥夺了。In writing, we underline titles of books.在书写文字中我们在书名下划线。The new e-books will include a host of Rough Guide titles.新电子书将包括大量的简明指南。This is one of our best-selling titles.这是我们的一本畅销书。He glanced his eye over the titles of the articles.他浏览这些文章的题目。The new magazine is outselling many established titles.这本新杂志比许多有名气的杂志更畅销。All the relevant titles under the subject you want will scroll up.该主题下你需要的所有相关篇目都会上滚出来。She reeled off the titles of a dozen or so of the novels.她脱口说出十几本小说的书名。She's won several important singles titles this year.她今年拿了好几个重要赛事的单项冠军。Students of English often encounter difficulty with professional titles.英语学生在使用职衔称呼方面常遇困难。Country and Western songs always have such cornball titles.美国乡村歌曲总是有这种老套的曲名。The company is publishing fewer titles than last year.公司出版的书比去年品种少。The chapter titles of the book are self-explanatory.这本书的章节标题明白晓畅。The king bestowed lands and titles upon his followers.国王赐予他的追随者土地和头衔。The school has won six basketball titles.学校获得过六届篮球比赛的冠军。Details of new titles, with plot summaries, are included in the catalogue.新书的详细信息连同情节概要一并包括在图书目录里。




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