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词汇 title
例句 The team is looking to defend its national title. 这个队正力求卫冕全国冠军。Princess Alexandra was to inherit the title of Duchess of Fife…亚历山德拉公主将会继承法夫女公爵的爵位。It would have been unthinkable for the grandmother of Europe to have a title inferior to that held by her own daughter.对于一位在欧洲德高望重的老妇人而言,她的头衔低于其女儿简直不可思议。He was kicked upstairs, given a fancy title, and stripped of most of his power.他明升暗降,得了个好听的头衔,却被剥夺了大部分的权力。His superior physical strength won him the title.他凭借超强的体力赢得了冠军。What was the title of that book you were reading last week?你上周看的那本书的书名是什么?I preferred the title of reporter.我更喜欢记者这个头衔。The prestigious title offered a gateway to success in the highly competitive world of modelling.在竞争异常激烈的模特界,这一享有盛誉的头衔打开了通往成功的大门。If he won the fight, it would set him up for a title shot.如果打赢这场拳赛,他就有机会问鼎冠军宝座。Richard Dunwoody is in front in the jockeys' title race.理查德·邓伍迪在职业赛马骑师冠军赛中领先其他选手。The psychology books are ordered according to title, not according to author.这些心理学书籍是根据书名而不是根据作者姓名排列的。Her name was written in her childish script on the title pages.她在这些书的扉页上写下了自己的名字,笔迹充满稚气。The book had a very cumbersome title.该书的书名非常晦涩难懂。He says his team is physically conditioned and ready to go for the title.他说他的队伍身体状况非常好,已经准备好去夺取冠军。It's Smith versus Jones in the title fight.这是史密斯对阵琼斯的冠军争夺赛。My novel 'The Rector's Wife' is being adapted for TV, with Lindsay Duncan in the title role.我的小说《教区长的妻子》正被改编成电视剧,由林赛·邓肯饰片名主角。The title page is always on the right side or the recto; the left side is known as the verso.书名页总是在右面的或称右页上;左面的那页称之为左页。We're confident of winning the title this year.我们今年有把握夺冠。The title of this play is 'Othello'.这部剧的标题是《奥赛罗》。He has retained his title as world chess champion.他卫冕了国际象棋世界冠军。His job has a grand title, but he's little more than a clerk.他的工作听起来名堂大得很,可他不过是个职员。The film is an adaptation of a book of the same title.这部影片改编自同名书。The US is trying to recapture the title it lost last year to France.美国正试图夺回去年输给法国的冠军头衔。When 'Can-Can' was in rehearsal, Porter felt that the title song needed a musical introduction.在排练《康康舞》的时候,波特感觉主题曲需要一个前奏乐曲。We need a snappy title for the book.我们需要给这本书起个简洁有趣的书名。When a boy first began his training to become a knight, his title was squire.开始接受骑士训练的男孩的头衔是扈从。The boxer beat his rival to reclaim the national title he relinquished last year.该拳击手击败对手,夺回了去年丢失的全国冠军头衔。The title of the article makes a play on the prime minister's last name.这篇文章的题目巧妙地使用了首相的姓。He has no title to anticipate our support.他没有资格期望我们的支持。I can't think of a catchy name/title for my blog.我没法给我的博客想一个好记的名字。They come from Tuam, a place they refer to on the title track of their album, `All the Way From Tuam'.他们来自蒂厄姆,就是那个在他们的专辑同名歌曲《一路行自蒂厄姆》中提及的地方。Simpson is in New York this week for the defence of his title.辛普森本周在纽约卫冕冠军称号。The title is perhaps an allusion to AIDS.该题目可能暗指艾滋病。Gary Kasparov has retained his title as world chess champion.加雷·卡斯帕罗夫卫冕了他国际象棋世界冠军的称号。This is the only Grand Slam title to elude her.这是她唯一错失的大满贯头衔。After their 2-0 win on Saturday, City lead the title race on goal difference.在星期六以二比零获胜之后,城队以净胜球优势名列联赛榜首。They are fighting for the heavyweight title.他们正在为争夺重量级拳击冠军而战。The title of one of Dietrich's best-known songs could serve as the leitmotif for her life.黛德丽的一生可以用她一首名曲的歌名来概括。He currently holds the heavyweight title.他目前拥有重量级拳击冠军的头衔。Despite winning the title, their last campaign ended in great disappointment.尽管赢得了冠军头衔,但他们最后一役却令人大失所望。




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