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词汇 have everything
例句 We have everything we can wish for.我们希望得到的东西都有了。She likes to have everything in place.她喜欢每件东西都各就各位。She'll have to learn that she can't have everything she wants.她必须明白她不可能想要什么就有什么。James seemed to have everything – good looks, charm, and plenty of money.詹姆斯似乎什么都有,美貌、魅力和大把的钞票。She seems to have lost touch with reality and thinks that she can have everything she wants.她似乎已经跟现实脱节了,以为能拥有想要的一切。We don't need your kitchen. We'll have everything catered.我们不需要用你的厨房。我们会把吃的东西全部做好送来的。Don't worry—I have everything under control.别担心,一切均在我的掌控之中。We have everything you need to update your business wardrobe.为你更新全部商务服装,我们应有尽有。Check that you have everything before you leave. It will save your having to go back again.离开前检查一下随身物品,以免再跑回来一趟。He had to have everything spelled out twice over for him.他不得不把所有事项都对他详细说明了两次。They should have everything working inside an hour.他们应该会在一个小时之内使一切运转起来。Don't pander to the child, it's not good for him to have everything he wants.不要放纵孩子,他要什么就给什么是没有好处的。He must have everything in his own way.他事事一意孤行。There was a furious rush to have everything ready for the opening night.大家紧张地忙乱着为首演之夜做好一切准备工作。不必匆忙




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