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I'm filling in for Joe for a few days.我给乔代几天班。What's the filling in these pies?这些馅饼是什么馅的?He had an assemblage of old junk cars filling the backyard.他的后院里堆满了废旧汽车。A girl's place is in the home, not gallivanting around and filling her head with nonsense.女孩子就该在家呆着,不能四处闲逛,成天胡思乱想。Graham Fletcher was unimpressed with the idea of filling in a lengthy questionnaire.格雷厄姆·弗莱彻对填写冗长的调查问卷这种事没什么兴趣。We had to spend hours filling in forms.我们只得花很长时间填表。It makes a superb filling for cakes and sponges.它非常适合做蛋糕和软布丁的馅儿。Before you start painting, prepare the walls by cleaning them and filling any cracks.粉刷之前,先清理墙面、修补裂缝,做好准备工作。The coffeepot bubbled, filling the room with fragrance.咖啡壶噗噗地冒着泡,房间里弥漫着香气。I've finally got around to filling in the forms.我最后总算有时间填写表格了。That's not a career. She's just filling in time until she gets married.那算不上什么事业,她只不过是在嫁人之前打发一下时间而已。They had trouble filling large customer orders.他们很难供应大宗订货。While the bath was filling, he phoned his mother.在往浴缸里放水时,他给母亲打了个电话。We stood at the counter, filling our bowls with salad.我们站在柜台前往碗里装沙拉。The filling was beginning to come out of the pillow.填料开始从枕头里掉出来了。I lost a filling, which had to be replaced.我补牙的填料掉了,得再去补一次。Spread some of the filling over each pancake.在每个薄煎饼上摊上一些馅。The coffeepot bubbled, filling the room with fragrance.咖啡煮开了,满屋子都是香味。The drought has ended at last, and the reservoirs are filling up again.干旱终于过去了,水库又满了。Will you oblige by filling in this form?劳驾您填一下这张表格好吗?He doesn't want the bother of filling out all those forms again.他不想费神重新填那些表格。The cap screws off for filling purposes.这个帽拧下来是为了进行灌装。Santa will be filling the stockings at Christmas time.圣诞老人将会在圣诞节时把长袜塞得满满的。Jenny kept filling my glass up with champagne.珍妮不断给我的杯子里斟满香槟酒。Gangs of soldiers were digging pits and filling sandbags.一队队士兵在挖壕沟、装沙袋。My words were lost as the walls above us crashed down, filling the cellar with brick dust.我们头顶的墙哗啦一声塌下来,弄得地窖里全是砖灰,我顿时说不出话来。A dentist could put in a temporary filling, but that's not the perfect solution.牙医可能会放入一些临时的填料,但这不是最理想的办法。The longer your child can go without needing a filling, the better.孩子补牙越晚越好。They want less passive ways of filling their time.他们想找些更为积极的方式来打发时间。That's not a career. She's just filling in time until she gets married.那不是一个职业。她只是在打发时间等结婚。Please take your time filling out the form.请慢慢填写表格。Of course I like your chocolate cake, but it's so filling I couldn't possibly eat another piece.我当然喜欢吃你的巧克力蛋糕,不过这种蛋糕太容易饱,我怎么也吃不下第二块了。He is wonderful in the role, filling in his character with great actorly bits of business.他演这个角色简直绝了,一举一动都很传神。The restaurant made a flying start by filling up on opening night.餐馆开张大吉,开业当晚就客满。More women are now filling the ranks of the medical profession.现在,更多的女性正在加入医疗行业。We pulled off into a filling station.我们开到路旁的一家加油站。The dentist said she would do the filling immediately.牙医说她要立即补牙。The longer your child can go without needing a filling, the better.孩子越晚需要补牙就越好。Her dance card has been filling up quickly. 她一直在忙于应酬。As a teacher he isn't filling the bill.作为教师他不称职。 |