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词汇 fill up
例句 Gambling filled up the horizons of their minds.他们的脑海里只有赌博。The place quickly fills up so it's soon standing room only.人很快就坐满了,不久就只剩下站立的位置了。The ditch filled up with mud.沟渠为泥所淤塞。He has filled up the tank with gas.他已给油箱装满了汽油。Campsites in the New Forest quickly filled up as thousands decided to spend the holiday under canvas.由于成千上万的人决定搭帐篷度假,新森林国家公园里的宿营地很快就被占满了。Warehouses at the frontier between the two countries fill up with sacks of rice and flour.两国边境地区的仓库里堆满了一袋袋的大米和面粉。I filled up the sandbox with some more sand.我再往沙箱内装了些沙子,把它装满了。We filled up on stodge at the banquet.我们在宴会上吃了很多饱腹的食物。We stopped at a gas station to fill up.我们在一家加油站停下来加油。About half an hour before the performance, the theatre starts to fill up.演出开始前半个小时左右,剧场开始渐渐坐满了。The theatre began to fill up just before the performance.演出快要开始时,戏院逐渐满座。The square filled up with drunken baseball fans.广场上到处都是醉醺醺的棒球迷。He filled up the gas tank.他加满了油箱。We filled up on sandwiches before leaving for the game.去比赛之前,我们吃了许多三明治填饱肚子。The river filled up with sand.这条河淤满了沙子。His office began to fill up with people.他办公室里开始挤满了人。We asked Mr Charlton if he had yet filled up the forms.我们问查尔顿先生是否已经填写完了这些表格。We shall have to stop at the next service station and fill up.我们得在下个加油站停车,给车加满油。On Thursday night she went to her yoga class, glad to have something to fill up the evening.星期四晚上她去上了瑜伽课,很高兴自己有事可做。The waiter filled up everyone's glasses.服务员给每个人都倒满了杯子。If you're hungry, fill up on pasta or rice.你如果饿了,吃些面食或米饭吧。The mechanism filled up with sand, rendering it useless.机器里到处都是沙子,根本运行不了了。The whole army began to clamour for the fosse to be filled up.全军都开始叫嚷著要将壕堑填平。I filled up my water jug.我把水壶灌满了。




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