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例句 At a future date, managers will be invited to apply for a management buy-out.在将来的某天,经理们将受邀进行管理层收购。Once the paint is dry, apply a coat of the red ochre emulsion paint.油漆干了后,涂一层发红的土黄色乳胶漆。Typically, parents apply to several schools and settle for their fourth or fifth choice.父母向来会申请好几个学校,并将就接受第四或第五个选择。The rule does not apply to children.本规则不适用于儿童。To keep the surface shiny, apply a clear, high-gloss varnish.要保持表面光滑发亮,涂一层高亮度的透明罩光漆。The job gave her the chance to apply the knowledge she had acquired at college.这项工作使她有机会应用在大学所学到的知识。Buyers who do not apply within the stated period can lose their deposits.未能在规定期限内提出申请的买家可能会拿不回押金。You may apply in person or by letter.你可以亲自到场或去信提出申请。Such measures would be highly impracticable and almost impossible to apply.此类措施非常不切实际,几乎不可能付诸实践。These guidelines also apply to the subscription of shares through the Internet.这些指南也适用于通过因特网申购股份。If this is your first passport, you must apply in person, bringing with you proof of U.S. citizenship.申领第一本护照必须带好美国公民的证明亲自去。These restrictions do not apply to us.这些限制对我们不适用。Those were old regulations - they don't apply any more.那些都是旧规定,不再适用了。Take your foot off the gas pedal and slowly apply the brakes.脚松开油门,慢慢地踩刹车。Investors can apply for a package of shares at a set price.投资者可以申购固定价格的股票组合。This is strictly an ad hoc solution that we are most unlikely to be able to apply more widely.这仅仅是临时性的解决方案,我们不太可能推而广之。The Supreme Court has taken the position that the First Amendment does not apply in these kinds of cases.最高法院已经裁决《第一修正案》不适用于此类案件。You will need to apply for a visa.你得申请签证。The same emission limits apply to all engines.相同的排放限制适用于所有发动机。She affirmed her intention to apply for the post.她承认自己有意应聘这一职位。Anyone can apply for membership.任何人都可以申请成为会员。All applicants should apply in writing.申请人均须来函申请。If he still refuses we could always apply a little pressure, as it were.如果他还是拒绝,我们总还可以在一定程度上给他施加点压力。After applying a thin layer of paint to the wall and letting it dry, apply another coat.在墙上涂一层薄漆并晾干之后,再涂一层。These rules apply to everyone in the school. 所有在校人员都必须遵守这些规定。Under the program, illegal immigrants would be able to apply to regularize their status.根据这一计划,非法移民可以申请身份合法化。She could not entirely apply herself to the arrangements for her wedding.她不能全力以赴安排自己的婚礼。Special conditions apply to the use of the library's rare books.使用图书馆的珍本书要符合特定条件。Students with an interest in microelectronic circuitry are advised to apply for the Engineering Electronics degree.建议对微电子电路设计感兴趣的同学申请工程电子学学位。Students can apply for individual tuition.学生可以申请个别授课。Because of a grandfather clause, the strict emission standards only apply to new cars.根据不追溯条款,这一严格的排放标准只适用于新车。There is an important qualification to the Act: it does not apply to international contracts.这项法令有个重要的限定性条件:它不适用于国际合同。She had the arrogance to believe the law did not apply to her.她竟自负得认为法律对她不适用。The court heard how the driver had failed to apply his brakes in time.法庭听司机陈述了他如何没能及时刹车的原委。Women in some countries are expected to keep their virginity until marriage - the same rule doesn't apply to men.有些国家要求女性婚前保持贞操,对男性却没有这个要求。Underline the following that apply to you.在符合自身情况的项下画线。Grandparents can apply to the courts for visitational rights.祖父母可以向法庭申请探视权。Peers may apply for a place in the chamber for their peeress or husband.贵族们可以在议院里为自己的夫人或丈夫申请一个座位。Be sure to apply sunblock to sensitive areas of your skin.一定要把防晒霜抹在皮肤的敏感部位。The employer also says minimum wage rules don't apply to piecework.老板还说最低工资规定不适用于计件工作。




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