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词汇 haul in
例句 I was hauled in the police.我被强行拉进了警察局。We have a long haul in front of us.我们面前有漫长而艰苦的工作。The police caught three men examining their haul in a house in north London.警方抓获了三名男子,他们当时正在伦敦北部一栋房子里查看赃物。He was hauled in to face the judge.他被带了进来,面对法官。Let's haul in your hawser and go.我们把系船索拉进来出发吧。He hauled in a long touchdown pass.他接住一记长传达阵得分。Trevino hid the haul in his mother's closet for over a year.特雷维诺把赃物藏在他母亲的壁橱里超过一年。Our vessel slowly hauled in with the island.我们船慢慢地靠近了那座小岛。Authorities seized the drugs in one of the biggest drug hauls in the history of the county.当局查获大批量毒品,这是该县历史上最大的毒品贩运之一。




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