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词汇 hatch
例句 Getting pregnant was her escape hatch from nursing.怀孕是她摆脱护理工作的出路。The eggs quickly hatch into larvae.卵很快孵化为幼虫。There are twelve chickens in this hatch.这一窝有十二只小鸡。We watched the chicks hatch.我们观察小鸡出壳。When the eggs hatch, the larvae eat the living flesh of the animal host.卵孵化后,幼虫吃动物寄主身上的肉。The birds sit on the cage floor to hatch their eggs.那些鸟趴在笼子里孵蛋。The eggs will soon hatch.这些蛋很快就会孵化。She passed me the dishes through the hatch.她从出菜口把菜递给我。Never mind me, boy; we have to get that blessed hatch open.不用为我担心,哥们,我们一定得把那个该死的舱口打开。When the eggs hatch the larvae eat the living flesh of the host animal.当卵孵化后,幼虫取食寄主的鲜肉。He lifted the hatch.他抬起舱口盖。Seeing the eggs hatch out for the first time is a moment that I will never forget.第一次看到蛋孵化的那一刻令我永世难忘。After the egg has been fertilized, it will hatch in about six weeks.蛋受精后六周左右孵化。Leave the hatch open.让舱口开着。The eggs take three days to hatch.这些蛋要三天时间才能孵化。As soon as the two chicks hatch, they leave the nest burrow.两只小鸟一出壳就离开了巢穴。After ten days, the eggs hatch.十天后,蛋孵化了。One full revolution of the knob will open the hatch.把门柄转一圈就可以打开舱口盖。She opened the serving hatch and put the soup on the counter.她打开递菜窗口,把汤放在台子上。The breakthrough opens an escape hatch for Republicans.这一突破为共和党人提供了出路。He squeezed into/through the hatch and crawled below deck.他钻进舱口,在甲板下面爬行。Bantam eggs may hatch a little earlier than large fowl eggs.矮脚鸡的蛋可能比大型鸡的蛋孵化得快一点。Turtles lay their eggs deep in the sand and leave them there until they hatch.海龟把蛋深深地产在沙里,并把它们留在那里直到孵化。They got out through the escape hatch.他们通过紧急出口逃了出去。The young fowl/fowls are fully independent when they hatch.小家禽在出壳时是完全独立的。The eggs will hatch sooner in warm, moist conditions.在温暖潮湿的条件下,鸡蛋会孵化得更快一些。During these periods the birds will lie on the cage floor as if trying to lay or hatch eggs.这些时期,鸟儿会趴在笼底,好像在下蛋或孵蛋。The eggs quickly hatch into larvae.虫卵很快孵化成幼虫。Take a peep through the hatch.从舱口向外看看。The psychiatrist offered him an escape hatch from his feelings of guilt.精神科医师找到了办法帮助他消除负罪感。The larvae hatch and make their way underground.幼虫孵出后钻入地下。Both men quickly disappeared down the hatch.两个人很快从舱口下去不见了。She stays in the nest until the chicks hatch.她待在窝里,直到小鸡们出壳。She lifted the hatch and slid it away from the opening.她提起活板门然后推开。He stuck his head up through the hatch.他从舱口伸出头来。




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